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A lot if you have been really active readers, commenting on the book and voting and talking about what you like and all that, so as a way of saying thank you, I'm going to be writing one shots!

Here's how it works:
1) If you find your username below, you can submit a one shot idea to me, through either the comments on this book or through messenger.

2) The one shot has to be with these characters in this scenario, so it could Calum and Annie or Johanna and John or whatever.

3) You can, however, have me write in a new character to the one shot (like you).

4) I won't write any graphic smut. I will write of things leading up to smut, and smut without detail, but nothing graphic.

5) If you don't find your name on this list, you can comment and tell me your idea anyways, and I might write it!

These one-shots will be posted somewhere else, I'll tell you in the next chapter.


Also, friendly reminder that I edit! If you are writing a story, or want to begin writing a story, then message me about editing! I can help you with cover design, characterization, descriptions, basic editing, the whole shebang! (Ask @horselover1172)

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