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Ashton was awake long before Annie, so he just laid there waiting. It wasn't too long after that Luke snuck into their room, glancing at Annie to see if she was okay.

"Everything going good? What happened?"

Ashton sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't really know. She was hysterical, screaming and yelling."

"Yeah I got that. We could hear plenty well."

Ashton cringed, thinking how horrible that must have been, especially for Calum, who was already a mess. "She thought Michael was here, she thought had been attacking him, when it sounds like that had been Calum."

Luke nodded. "She got him pretty good. He's fine, though."

With that, Luke went back to Calum's room and Ashton laid back down with Annie. They didn't know what to do- no one did. Annie wasn't safe to be around, but it's not like they could lock her up.

When Annie did wake up, it wasn't a pretty sight. She looked more tired than when she went to sleep, with feel eye bags and blotchy cheeks. She looked at Ashton with a guilty expression, before getting up and walking to the shower.


It was nearly an hour later. Both Annie and Calum had been hesitant to leave their rooms, but finally did. They sat at the kitchen table, and you can be assured that that was the first time they sat there. In the beginning, Calum and Annie ate in Annie's room, but that was just the day after. Every day since they had eaten at the coffee table in their living room, or on the floor across from each other.

But Luke and Ashton insisted they try to be 'normal' again, without realizing this wasn't normal for them. Regardless, Annie and Calum were left sitting across the table from each other as Ashton and Luke hid in the hallway, wanting to give them some privacy. Annie's red hair was still damp from her shower, as was Calum's. They were both messes, trying but failing to steal glances without the other noticing. They pushed the scrambled eggs around on their plates, but food was on neither of their minds.

Finally, Annie's words cut through the silence like a knife, and for the first time in months she spoke assuredly. "I'm sorry I broke that glass."

Calum sat upright, his face completely void of emotion. Neither of them were paying attention to their food any longer- not that they were in the first place.

"You didn't just break it, you threw it at me."

Annie maintained intense eye contact with him as she nodded. "I'm sorry I threw a glass at you."

"Don't forget about the lamp." He replied without missing a single beat.

"I didn't throw the lamp at you."

"No, you swung it at me and hit me repeatedly."

"Then I'm sorry for swinging and hitting you with a lamp."

Calum's eyebrows switched up in cruel amusement, the first emotion he's shown the entire conversation- nay, the first emotion either of them have shown throughout the conversation. The effect was increased dramatically with the effect his damp hair had, leaving his looking quite intriguing.

The corners of Annie's mouth switched upwards. "Is there anything else I need to apologize for?"

He laughed- a laugh that threw his head back and made his chest ache but was painstakingly fake. "Well, you could start with apologizing for trying to kill me!"

"After you apologize for fighting back."

"Why would I just let you beat me? You were trying to f.ucking kill me!"

"I wasn't trying to kill you, I was trying to kill him. I just- mistook you, that's all." Both Annie and Calum were grinning hysterically, and it seemed as though the insanity was contagious.

"You mistook me for a pale boy with purple hair."

"No," Annie's voice lowered, creating quite a dramatic effect. "I mistook you for a boy with pale skin and red hair. My brain still hasn't processed the purple."

And then both of the two were chuckling and laughing and grinning from ear to ear in what can only be called a hysterical nonsense. In that moment, they were both quite idiots.

Calum slammed his fists on the table, shaking the silverware and ending both of their laughs effectively. He rose to his feet abruptly, his smile gone. "You tried to kill me!"

"You're still on about this?" Annie chastised, standing as well.

"Of course I'm still on about it! You tried to kill me! Last night."

"You locked me in my room!"

"That was only after you attacked me with a fvcking floor lamp!"

Annie pushed her chair away. "I was having a mental breakdown!"

Calum followed her actions, pushing his chair away as well. "A mental breakdown? The last two fvcking months you've had a mental breakdown!"

"Well yesterday it was fvcking worse!" Annie yelled.

"Should we do something?" Luke whsipered in the hallway.

"Nah, I think they just need some privacy." Ashton replied, and they snuck out the front door to leave them to their bickering.

"Yeah, I know yesterday was worse! You tried to kill me!" Calum accused.

"It wasn't that bad."

"You took a lamp and tried to strangle me to death with it!"

"Always on about that!"

"Oh, you're telling me that I can't be bothered by a murder attempt yesterday, when you've been crying over being raped for months now!"

"That's low Hood, that's real low. While we're rubbing salt into the wound, how about that fvcking snapchat! That was pretty nice!"

"You're a f.ucking whore."

"Well you're a manwhore! Half the world knows what you're d.ick looks like!"

Calum and Annie were inches apart, yelling out of rage. "The world is over six billion people! That's not possible!"

"And yet at least three billion of them know what your di.ck look like! Fuckboy! Fuckboy!"

"You're insufferable!"

"You're juvinille!"

"You're rediculous!"

"Five seconds of summer was never my favorite band!"

"That's a lie and you know it!"

"D.amn you!"

Their lips slammed together, furiously attacking each other. They made out furiously, Annie pushing Calum backwards and slamming him against the kicthen wall. "I f.ucking hate you!"

"The feeling is mutual!"

Calum shoved Annie to the side, switching places as they gripped each other, trying to deepen the kiss more than humanly possible.

Calum grabbed the back of Annie's thighs and she jumped, wrapping her legs around Calum's waist. He carried her to the closed door of her room, slamming her against it.

Their kissing slowed down, hands running through damp hair and gripping shirts. "You know we can't go further than this." Annie asked, though it wasn't a true question.

"I got that. Prude."


"I think I'm going to go to my room and cry after this." Calum stated, finally pulled away, letting Annie's legs slip to the floor. He stayed close though, their lips no more than a inch apart as the both of them fought to regain their breaths.

"Me too."

"This isn't going to happen again any time soon, is it?"


"I didn't think so." So Calum leaned forwards once more, ensnaring Annie in another kiss before they returned to reality.

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