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  It made absolutely no sense. At least, to Annie. Calum sent her a picture, the next day, of what he looked like after the makeup artists had gotten to him. There was no sign of the scar, none at all. It had barely had time to heal, but it looked like it had never happened. At first, Annie thought that Calum had sent her a picture of him before the scar.

  It was as unsettling in person. When Calum came home that day, they had already washed the makeup and various appliances off, but when he picked her up for their date, the makeup was back on, and Annie was just as surprised as when she saw the picture.

  "It's just... gone." She muttered in awe as Calum showed off how normal his jaw and neck looked.

  He grinned. "It's still there. And it's going to hurt to get it off, since it's still sensitive. But for now, it looks pretty good, huh?"

  "Pretty good?" Annie exclaimed. "It looks like your face is back to normal!"

  They both laughed lightly, not that either of them said anything funny. It was more like they were both so anxious about this date, it was almost humourous.

  They really didn't need to be. In all honesty, it was just another date, but they were acting more this time. And Annie didn't know if they'd be kissing or not.

  Calum and Annie headed out to the car, him opening the door for her. It felt very unnatural, definitely not something they'd do.

  Calum started up the car, and Annie heard a gentle buzz in her ear, from the earpiece. Johanna's voice came up, which felt very weird. It felt like she was talking right next to her, but Johanna was no where in sight.

  "You only just left?" She asked, surprised. They hadn't said anything to her yet, so Annie didn't know how Johanna knew. Calum pulled out his phone, and typed on it, holding it up so Annie could see the message.

  The earpieces have trackers, the message said.

  Annie swallowed hard. She was not a fan of how strict the band's rules were, and how planned out everything was.

  "We're on our way," Calum said, obviously. "I'll drive fast."

  Annie messed with the fabric of her cover up. She wore one of her swimsuits from their vacation, with a white netted cover up. She usually didn't bother with nice looking cover ups, but she knew she had to now. People would be taking pictures, and then thousands would be speculating who the fvck she was, maybe even millions. It was insane.

  The pressure's on, Annie thought. Just as she was about to get worried, Calum gripped her hand gently. She looked at him, and he mouthed the words (so Johanna couldn't hear them) I love you.

  Annie smiled, feeling relieved. She looked at his hand on hers, and intertwined them. They'd do just fine.

  They got to the beach, and Calum got the door for her again. It almost felt like a reminder- like pointing out to both of them that they are being watched, that they need to keep up the act.

  They walked down the beach, hand in hand. Annie kept on waiting for Johanna to speak in their ears again, telling them what to do, but it stayed silent. They were at a more private stretch of the beach, so there weren't many people around.

  Annie and Calum found a spot, and sat down. They laid out their towels and sat down, there hands remaining attached. "So what do you want to do?" Calum asked, but Annie realized it wasn't meant for her. He was asking Johanna.

  And sure enough, Annie heard her voice from the earpiece. "You two have a little while until sunset. We're waiting until then. I have to do work, so you can't talk to me, but I'll tell you when."

  Annie nodded, though she obviously couldn't see her. Finally, she could talk without worrying about Johanna listening in.

  But Calum got out his phone, and wrote her a message. She's lying, she's still listening to everything we say.

  Annie wasn't enjoying this. It felt bad, like she was being constantly watched, judged. Calum gestured behind them subtly. "The girl back there. She's taking pictures."

  Annie glanced back, surprised he noticed. "Johanna, let's just take the pictures. It's nice enough looking now."

  As expected, Johanna replied instantly, obviously listening in. "Okay, you can try it. We'll see how the pictures work. Try holding hands, cuddling, walking and such. I'll help you fix it."

  So they started walking, holding hands and walking down the beach, away from the photographer for the best shot. Every once in a while, Johanna would tell them to stop, or ask them to do more specific things. It was rediculous. 0/10, worst date Annie had ever been on.

  But finally it was done, and they could go back to being Calum and Annie, not Calum from 5sos and the mystery girl. As soon as Annie set foot in the car, it felt right again. They took out their earpieces, and finally it felt like they were actually alone.

  The car ride back home was silent, for a fee minutes at least. Then Calum spoke, breaking the quiet.

  "I'm sorry," he said. "I'd hoped it wouldn't be like that. I'm sorry you have to deal with all of this."

  Annie nodded, understanding him. "I'm sorry too. I probably could've been more enthusiastic, in all honesty."

  Calum smirked, reaching over and taking Annie's hand. At this point, it felt like a very natural thing, yet it still was enjoyable. It was like getting into bed- you're used to it, it's a part of your daily routine, but it still feels good after a hard day.

  They pulled up not to a house, but go an ice cream shop. Annie raised her eyebrows, but didn't question it until they had made there order.

  "You spoil me."

  Calum laughed. "Ashton thinks I'm your sugar daddy."

  This caused Annie to laugh to, because it was so funny and random and rediculous, yet had a ring of truth.

  Calum pouted jokingly. "Don't tell me you only use me for my money."

  Annie smiled, and leaning in for a kiss, stopping inches away from his face. "No, I also use you for your fame."

  And then they were both laughing again, at the absurdity of the statement. Annie was a lot of things, not all of them good, but she definitely was not using Calum for his fame. The entire masquerade they were playing, letting the public know slowly, was just so there was no huge surprise. This way, Annie and Calum could be seen around in public as much as they like, so if someone takes a picture of asks Annie who she is, they have an answer.

  Calum grinned. "What are you smiling at," Annie asked teasingly.

  "Ashton's got a fair point. It's not that far off."

  Annie cracked a smile. "Our relationship isn't much different from a sugar daddy one? Sweet sweet, innocent Calum."

  "Well then, what's the difference between our relationship and that type of relationship?"

  Annie smiled deviously. "The difference is... you haven't even made it to second base yet."

  Calum hooted with laughted, and when they pulled up to the drive through window he had trouble regaining his composure.

  He and Annie were really something.

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