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  "People are staring," Annie commented, looking around uncomfortably. "Johanna, seriously, you should take off these handcuffs."

  Johanna shook her head, barely paying any attention. She was admiring a pair of gloves displayed in the window.

  Annie was thankful for her gloves. They were fingerless, but they kept her hands warm and the handcuff wrapped around her right hand from giving her frostbite. The other end was wrapped around Calum's left hand.

  It was Johanna's stupid idea. She thought it'd bring them closer together, since they'd been at odds most of the day. She seemed to think it would work.

  Annie on the other hand thought Johanna had been watching too many romance movies.

  Calum looked around uncomfortably. "You're right," he mumbled, only loud enough for Annie to hear. "People are staring. But I don't know if it's because of me, or because of the handcuffs."

  "It's probably me," Annie declared apologetically. "I'm too beautiful. Really, it's a burden."

  Calum looked at her like he was deciding whether to roll his eyes or kiss her. He met in the middle, and replied blandly, "how do you live yourself."

  "I take meds for it," she said smoothly, in a way that was a mixture of sarcasm, blatant honesty, and smugness. "I don't think they're working. I'm only getting more and more attractive every day."

  Calum eyed her, with an expression she couldn't read. "I second that. Johanna?"

  Annie blinked, not sure what he just said. He agreed? As in, he thought she was getting more attractive every day? It was a joke, and he seemed to know that, but his reply was sincere. Annie say his cheeks get red as he asked Johanna if she was ready to keep walking.

  They continued strolling down the street, Annie and Calum wanting to go as fast as possible, but Johanna insisting on stopping and looking at practically every window.

  She froze in front of one window, and Annie wondered if she was in awe or maybe if she was just too cold. Annie walked forwards, Calum following behind against his will. "What are you looking at?"

  Johanna's mouth was open in shock, and Annie was still a little surprised to see such emotion from her. "That sled is... amazing."

  It looked just like a normal sled to Annie, but to Johanna it apparently was something special.

  "Let's get it and go," Calum prodded, trying to cross his arms over his chest but forgetting about the handcuffs connecting his hands to Annie.

  Johanna looked closer, then shook her head. "No. I can't afford it."

  "I'll buy it for you," Calum suggested without even pausing to think about it. "Then can we go?"

  Johanna looked at him, part with surprise, part with destest. "It's over three hundred dollars."

  "Have you seen the cost of our concert tickets? Trust me, it won't set me too far back."

  Johanna crossed her arms defensively. "You would just... buy it for me."

  He shrugged. "If we can go."

  "Three hundred dollars is a lot to pay to go back to the car."

  "Consider it your Christmas gift."

  She narrowed her eyes. "We don't exchange gifts."

  "A new tradition. Come on Johanna, let's just get it and go."

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