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"What's up Los Angeles?!" Michael called out to the crowd, which immediately screamed and cheered back.

They'd just finished singing 'Carry On' and 'Hey Everybody', and this was the first time they'd stopped to talk so far. The entire band was riled up, and the crowd followed their lead. You could almost feel the energy, the excitement in the air.

"L.A. is honestly my favorite place to play for," Michael said, gripping the microphone on the stand. The crowd responded with even louder cheering.

"You say that about every place we play at," Calum corrected him from across the stage.

If looks could kill, Calum would be dead. "Thanks Calum. I'm trying to make them feel special, and here you are just ruining everything I say."

"He's a ruiner," Luke agreed, speaking into his microphone om center stage. "He just ruins everything."

"Guys!" Calum was laughing, looking at them like 'come on!'. "I'm not that bad!"

"Yes you are!" Ashton joined in the conversation, tapping on his drums expirementally.

Calum strummed out a few chords on his bass, refusing to look at them. "Fine. I feel so used."

Michael strode over, nuzzling his neck. "Oh, don't be that way."

"You're so weird," he grumbled, shoving Michael away, but he couldn't hide his smile.

"Anyways," Luke tried to bring them back on track, but they weren't having any of it.

"Why can't you just love me?"

"Don't be that way." Michael gave him a puppy dog face. "Okay, fine, I love you."

"Anyways..." Luke repeated, giving them a look. "We're so glad you can be here with us tonight, it's really a great cause. It doesn't matter how many shows we play, I'm still amazed that people would spend their well-earned money..." he emphasized the word money, "...just to come and see us."

Everyone cheered louder at this.

"Yeah, almost all of the money we make from this show will go to cancer research," Ashton agreed, playing a familiar tune on his drums.

Michael and Calum had returned to their microphones, and had just caught up with what they were saying. "Oh! Right! Yeah, we know that this show may cost a lot of money..."

Calum played the first few notes to the song 'Money', and the crowd screamed.

"Take my money!"


The show couldn't possibly get any better. The entire stadium seemed to shake with the bass, the crowd shouted the lyrics to the songs they knew by heart, Ashton didn't miss a single beat with the drums, and Micheal sang along so passionately to every song that you could feel the emotion in the air. The boys were already sweating madly, but that didn't stop them- at this point, nothing could. The band, the fam, even the people working behind the scenes were filled with emotion, adrenaline pushes through their veins.

Every few songs, they stopped, talking to each other and to the crowd. Even during the songs, they'd wander around stage, messing with each other to the audiences delight. They finished the song 'End Up Here', Calum playing it out on his bass.

They began bantering, Calum teasing Ashton about something when Annie snuck on stage. She tiptoed up behind him, and the crowd went crazy.

"What?" Calum laughed at the crowd. "It wasn't even that funny?"

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