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Messages between Luke and Annie, September 24, 2016

Luke: Annie

Annie: What do you want

Luke: What was that for???

Annie: You're treating me like a fvcking house cat

  Annie had found her new favorite word, and was planning on using it in just about every sentence.

Luke: You're acting like one

Annie: Your mom

Luke: *mum
and fvck you too
why are you being like this? why aren't you just being normal?

Annie: I don't know what normal is anymore

Luke: Why????

Annie: I can't stop seeing his face in everything I do, and I hate it

I'm fvcking afraid of beds now!

It took me weeks just to get back to showering once a day, and I still shower at night because I don't get much sleep then anyways

I'm afraid of leaving the house because I think it'll happen again, he'll find me and

The other day I almost stabbed Calum

Luke: Woah Woah slow down
I didn't ask for your life story
I have an idea to help you get better

Annie: ????

Luke: Come out here, and you'll see.


  "You're fvcking kidding me." Annie declared.


  Luke had brought his computer along with him, and he had hooked it up to the tv. He proposed that he Skype the boys on the computer, and Annie could watch on the TV screen.

  It was a good idea, except Annie knew why he suggested it. It wasn't so they saw Ashton. It was so Annie could see Mikey, but he couldn't see her.

  "This isn't a good idea."

  "It's a great idea!" He smiled, and looked to Annie, trying to convince her. "Oh, come on!"

  She looked to the floor, biting her lip. "I'm going to be sick."

  "I got you a trash bag."

  Annie looked at him like he was crazy. "Are you fvcking crazy?"

  He placed a finger to his lips. "Kitty Cat, don't cuss. It doesn't suit you."

  Annie sat on the floor so she could see the tv. She looked behind her so she could see Luke, mouthing fvck you to him.

  "Meow!" He imitated, hissing.

  But then they weren't joking anymore, because he was calling them. Annie saw on the screen. He was calling Ashton's laptop, but that just meant he'd be the one to pick it up.

  Luke tossed the trash bag to Annie. She didn't want to have to use it, but didn't think she'd have a choice.

  There was some shuffling on the other end as the Skype call connected.
  Breathe in, breathe out, it didn't happen, nothings wrong.

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