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  "It seems kind of- random, doesn't it?"

  Johanna smirked. "Not at all. The boys are wonderful at being inconvenient. Besides, they wanted to go to Colorado at the most beautiful time of year, and now's when it is."

  Annie crinkled her nose. "I thought it was supposed to be prettiest in winter? You know, skiing and whatnot."

  Johanna rolled her eyes, closing her laptop and yanking out an assortment of cables. "Tourist. Their's more to Colorado than just the skiing."

  Annie sighed. "Are you going to be like this the entire trip? Because if so, I think I'll stay here, thanks."

  There was no way Annie was staying here, of course, but she could pretend.
  "Colorado is my home, regardless of where I live now. I usually don't go on the trips with them, but they wanted a tour guide. Or maybe Ashton just didn't want to have to plan it all, like he usually does."

  Annie considered what that must feel like. Going on a vacation, not because you want to, but because your employers want someone to plan it for them. Maybe Johanna had a reason to be bitter. Or maybe she didn't mind. After all, she didn't have to pay for it out of her own pocket, and this way she got to go home for free. "How much does the airfare cost, anyways?"

  "Doesn't matter," Johanna said annoyed, "your sugar daddy will be paying for it anyways."

  "Not my sugar daddy. And speaking of which, when will I go in for the interview to be the new handler?"

  She put a glass in the sink, considering it. "After we get back. I'm trying to let you back out, just in case."

  Nodding, Annie tried to pretend it was a normal situation. She was going in for a job interview- a normal one, where she didn't know the interviewer, and they'd ask her about where she wants to be in 10 years and whether she's a leader, etc, etc. But first, she was going on a trip with her boyfriend and some of his friends, all of whom Annie liked just fine, and none of which had assulted her.

  It was pretty rediculous. Annie couldn't even try to convince herself that that was semi-realistic. Hey, and maybe while I'm at it, I'll make plans to go to Mom's house over the holidays, and Mom and Dad will get back together, and Mikey will apologize and the sky will fall. Speaking of things that weren't going to happen.
  Sighing, she decided to change the topic. "So, what do I need to pack?"

  Johanna looked at her wearily. "Where'd you grow up?"


  "Then bring a warm jacket and pants, along with short and long sleeve shirts. You'll probably get cold easily."

  "Hey, I actually can handle the cold pretty well. Sometimes, when it's below 70 degrees, I'll wear a short sleeve shirt."

  Johanna laughed, but Annie didn't get the joke. "What?"

  "When I was in school, a ton of the boys never wore pants. Every single day of the year, they'd wear basketball shorts. It snows in Colorado. We would wait outside, in below freezing temperatures, and boys would still wear basketball shorts. We had blizzards. They still wore basketball shorts."

  "That's rediculous."

  "It's true."


  Does Johanna have any instructions for us before we leave tomorrow? Calum texted Annie when she walked in the door. Some days, his voice was better than others. Today, it seemed like his voice was worse.

  "Yeah, Johanna wanted you to do another livestream. Just a quick one, with your laptop, so you can say a few things, to let people know you're doing well. The tweets help, so people apparently aren't panicking as much, but she still wants you to prove it."

  Calum nodded. Annie furrowed her eyebrows, getting worried. "Does your throat hurt more today? Do you think your glands are swollen?"

  He shook his head, but raised his chin up, smirking. Annie smiled back, walking over and straddling his lap. She touched the side of his neck gentally, feeling to see if it seemed swollen.

  She felt his hands rest comfortably on her waist, pushing her so she fell onto him. "Cheeky little-"

  He kissed her, shutting her up. Annie didn't object.

  "Naughty naughty," he joked, after pulling away. "You weren't going to call me a cheeky little shit, were you?" He whispered, and at their close proximity it just seemed like part of the foreplay.

  "Definitely not," Annie whispered, following his lead. "I was going to call you a cheeky little fuck."

  Calum chuckled, adjusting Annie's waist so they were rubbing against each other. "Oh, you don't want to make daddy mad, do you?" he purred.

  "I swear," Annie growled, still grinning. "I swear, you are not my sugar daddy, no matter what Ashton or Johanna think. So you can drop the act."

  Calum tilted his head. Annie expected him to make a joke of it, brush it off, but instead he flipped her over so she laid across his lap.

  "I've said it before, and I'll say I'll say it again. You are not my sugar daddy."

  Calum rubbed her back seductively, his hand getting lower and lower. He leaned close, so Annie could hear his whisper. "Does the bad girl need a spanking?"

  Annie tensed up considerably, her smile falling from her face. "Cal." She said, her playfulness gone. "Cal," she pleaded, afraid to put her thoughts into words.

  He quickly pulled her up, sitting her next to him, and wrapped a hand around her comforting. "I'm sorry," he murmered. "Too far."

  Annie sniffled, and though her eyes remained dry you could see she was visably shaken. "I just hate the idea of you hitting me."

  Calum cuddled her, and she let him, finding comfort in his closeness. "I'm sorry Annie. I won't bring it up again."

  She smiled sadly. "Maybe later. I just- I'm not really ready for it, not right now. Eventually, we'll need to talk about these things, decide what we're both comfortable with. But not now."

  He nodded, realizing they did have a lot to talk about. He didn't know what Annie liked, but he also didn't know what she wouldn't enjoy. She may be mostly recovered, but Mikey still stole a lot from her, and Annie wouldn't be ready for a lot of things for a long time, if ever.

  "We're really bad at this," Calum realized. "Here we are, supposed to be doing a livestream, and instead we made out and I almost spanked you."

  Annie laughed, snaking her arm down to clasp his hand. "Should we do it now?"

  "Nah. I have other priorities."

  "Oh yeah?"

  "Annie, how do you feel about love bites?"

A/N: Someone had requested a Lil bit of daddy kink. You're welcome.
(who wants some smut? I'm trying to decide if I'm morally okay with writing porn)

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