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  "We've got permission from the managers, Cannie is a go!" Johanna announced.

  Ashton, Mikey, and Luke sat around the table, with Calum and Annie sitting next to each other. The others couldn't see, but when Luke glanced over he could see they were holding hands underneath the table.

  Luke looked away.

  Johanna was sitting at the front of the table, with John by her side. Though they did an equal amount of work and planning, Johanna was the vocal one out of the pair.

  Annie had been called in to attend the meeting as well, since it's primary concern was her and Calum's relationship. It had been completely approved- now, they had to decide how to announce it to the public.

  Johanna got started into her and John's scheme. They had planned, in detail, just how Cannie would be announced. First, the boys had a interview, one of their first in months. They had just gotten off the tour, so people would be hungry from new drama. The idea was for their interviewer to ask whether any of the boys had girlfriends, and for Calum to stay silent. Then, about a week later, he and Annie would go on a date and be spotted, earning a few headlines. All the while, none of the boys would mention it- while at the same time, none of them would ignore it. Later, Calum would tweet how he was so confused about what was happening, and had 'no idea what they were talking about', with an emoji of course. Later, a picture would surface of the two kissed. Johanna and John would renevate that plan from there.

  Luke glanced over, seeing Annie looking confused. It was a lot to take in, especially when before this she probably thought all of that stuff was spontaneous.

  The meeting officially ended, and the boys (+Annie) were left around the table. It was silent until Mikey spoke up.

  "Wow, they've got this all planned out."

  Luke nodded, agreeing. He wasn't the fondest of the idea either. Sure, he was Annie's friend, and definitely Calum's, but that didn't mean he had to like their relationship.

  They ended up all filing out of the room, when Johanna reappeared. "Oh, Annie, can I talk to you?"

  Annie tensed up, not particularly wanting to talk to her, but not having much of a choie. "Are you going to punch me again?" She asked wearily.

  "No no no," Johanna laughed, though Annie didn't find it all that funny.

  So, against her better judgment, Annie let go of Calum's hand, and watched him leave. Johanna closed the door ominously.

  Annie was still waiting for her to hit her, or start yelling or something. She wasn't too crazy about Johanna in the first place- everything about her seemed too calculated.

  Johanna smiled, and for the first time, it loomed almost genuine. Maybe she was a human after all.

  "I just need to give you one of these and explain how it works." She said, pulling out a box. Inside was a small piece of skin toned plastic- an ear piece.

  Annie took it out and examined it.

  "Here, you put it in like this." Johanna pulled it out of the case and brushed some of Annie's hair aside, helping her get it in. Annie tensed, still not liking people touching her, but let her.

  Once the earpiece was in, Johanna pulled out what looked like an smartphone, but Annie realized it wasn't. Johanna switched it on, clicking a button, and held it up to her ear as if it were a real phone. "See? Now you can hear me even when I'm not next to you."

  Annie quickly pulled the small device out of her ear, scowling. It felt so weird, like hearing Johanna's voice twice over.

  "It'll take a little getting used to, but it won't be as weird when I'm away from you." She explained.

  Annie nodded, putting the earpiece back in its case. It was small, small enough to easily fit inside of a purse if necessary. "Okay. When do I need to wear it?"

  "I'll tell you ahead of time." Johanna explained. "I'll text you, but you should still wear it whenever you're around the boys in public and they're wearing them too, or whenever you are going to be in an area with a lot of fans, like at a concert."

  Annie nodded again. "I think I can handle that."

  "You should be able to."

  Johanna picked up her bag, and started for the door. She paused for a moment, not looking back, but instead saying quietly, "I'm sorry by the way. I don't like the interview very much, and I didn't want to hit you. We just want to do our best to prepare you for what it's really like."

  She left with that, and Annie was left wondering how she could've been so wrong. She had always thought being a celebrity's girlfriend would be all glamorous, despite the nasty rumors. But it seemed that wasn't true.

  Along with that, Annie couldn't help feeling guilty for the way she thought of Johanna. She had always imagined her as malipulative, cruel even. But now she saw that that wasn't really true.

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