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"You don't drink coffee?" Calum asked, dragging himself into the kitchen.

"You mean Annie doesn't drink coffee. I happen to be addicted." Johanna corrected, not turning around. She finished pouring herself a glass, picking up the mug and turning around. Her eyes widened momentarily, before she resumed her cool. "I bet I wouldn't need coffee if I had a tall cup of you every morning." She gave Calum a quick glance up and down.

It just so happened this morning Calum was completely naked. And by completely- that means completely. Annie had managed to get him out of the toilet and into bed before he completely passed out, but he was still dripping wet and naked.

Calum couldn't care less. All he wanted right now was quiet and painkillers- not in that order. And Johanna had been around them a lot. Like she told Annie, she'd seen all of the boys nude- most of the regulars who worked with them had.

She just wasn't expecting him to be naked now.

Johanna sat down at the table, picking up the she'd brought inside earlier and bringing the coffee mug to her lips. "The painkillers are on the counter."

"Thanks," Calum muttered, grabbing the bottle and twisting the cap off.

"Don't thank me. Annie was the one who got them out for you."

Calum smiled, pulling out two and dry swallowing them. "Yeah. I like her."

"Trust me, I know. The whole world found out that you had a bit of a crush on her yesterday," she replied.

"Wait, what?"

"Don't you remember?" Johanna teased, pretending to read the paper. "You posted that lovely livestream to twitter."

"The whole world?"

"An exaggeration. You only have a few million followers."

Calum grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, unscrewing it and chugging some. "What'd I say? Oh God, I probably said something embarrassing, didn't I."

"No no, not at all. Well... you did say that you'd like to eat scrambled eggs off of Annie's naked body."

Calum's eyes grew wide. "My mum follows me on twitter!"

"I'm sure she's used to you by now."

  He rubbed his temples, still freaking it. "Oh God. Oh God."

  The front door opened, Annie closing it quietly behind her. She turned around, her eyes widening. "Oh. You're awake."

  "And naked," Johanna commented helpfully, not looking up from the paper.

  "And... naked?"

  Calum was leaning behind the counter, and he smirked. "I can move out from behind the counter if you want."

  Annie shook her head. "I'm getting you some pants." She went into his room, snatching up a pair of boxers and coming back into the living area, tossing the boxers in Calum's general direction. "By the way, Johanna, the others are all good. Luke woke up, and besides a major hangover, he's fine." She averted her eyes, avoiding looking into the kitchen as Calum pulled up his pants.

  Johanna smirked at Annie's discomfort. "Prude." She took a sip of her coffee, and Annie hit the back of the cup lightly, causing Johanna to spill it on her self.

  "I'm either a prude or a slut," Annie commented, trying to hide her pride in screwing Johanna up. "Never in between."

  Calum came out of the kitchen, showing off his new boxers. "As long as your mine, no complaints here."

  "As long as your my girlfriend, not mine," Annie corrected automatically. "If you want to be politically correct, which, leg me remind you, you do."

  Calum smiled at her in a way that almost said 'my head hurts too much to understand you but okey'. "Welp. I'm going to go back to sleep now. Wake me up when September ends."

  "But it's November?"

  "I know what I said."

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