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I'll have a description of what happened in this paragraph if you feel it is unsafe for you. I will comment the triggers here to try and avoid spoiling it, but seriously. Take care of yourself. If your worried about it, just skip to the bottom and I'll explain what happened in the chapter.


Luke knew his mum was worried about the possibility of him being gay, but he hadn't known she was this worried.

  He had been looking for his old stash of guitar picks, when he found his parents and brothers all sitting on the couch, hands in their laps, looking mournfully at the floor. When they heard him come in, they all looked up slowly, in a way that was almost disappointed.

  Luke froze. "Mum, what's-"

  "Please, sit down sweetie."

  Oh no. She was pulling out the 'sweetie' card.

  Hesitantly, Luke made his way over to the couch opposite her. He sat next to Jack, who patted him on the back reassuringly.

  "We wanted to talk to you about something that's erm... recently come to our attention," Ben said, stumbling with his words. They all looked so nervous that Luke wondered if he accidentally ran over some fans pulling into the driveway that morning.

  He waited. "Um... yeah?"

  Ben licked his lips, not quite sure what to say. He glanced over at Liz pleadingly, asking her to take the reins.

  Sighing shakily, Liz adjusted herself on the pristine couch. "I... we, we just wanted to say... to ask, really..."

  "If you're a fag." Luke's dad finished, fed up.



  He shrugged. "No use wasting our time. Luke, are you a faggot?"

  Are you human? Is the world round? Will mum be upset if I throw up on her nice carpet floor?

  He was seriously considering that last one.

  Luke stared at his dad uncomprihensibly. He finally pushed himself to his feet, hoping his knees wouldn't buckle on the spot. "This is obviously a joke, I'm going to-"

  "Sit down."

  Luke froze. He hated when his dad used that tone of voice.

  Sitting down, Luke waited for them to continue. He hoped they were just messing with him. That must be it. Why else would they be sitting him down, like this was some sort of... intervention or something.

  "Is this an intervention?" he asked, trying to make some sort of joke, but they didn't laugh.

  "You could say that," Jack's tone was the epitome of agreeablness. Luke looked around uncertainly. If this was some sort of weird nightmare, then he probably only had a few seconds before the white jackets came for him.

  Scratching his ear uncomfortably, Luke tried to relax. He needed to chill, or leave, or something. "I'm not a fag," he said finally, almost choking on the word. "And for the record, you probably shouldn't say that word. A lot of people might be offended."

  Like me.

  But his dad just scowled. "Luke, I'm your father. You don't tell me what I can and can't say." Liz rubbed his arm, and he relaxed slightly, his tone turning from angry to just frustrated. "This is my family. And I'm not about to have any of my son's faggots."

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