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It was Johanna's brilliant idea. The arguing couple, annoyed and at each others throats. What was the correct response? Let's handcuff them together, so they can't get away!

Annie caught the hat with one hand, almost dropping it. "I'm fine, thanks," she said spitefually, throwing it back at Calum's chest.

"You're going to freeze to death," Calum said without enthusiasm, pulling on his own beanie, yanking Annie's hand up with his.

She growled, yanking her hand back down to adjust her coats zipper. "Actually leave me alone."

Calum laughed without humor, tugging her hand towards him roughly as he struggled to put on gloves. Annie huffed, leaning heavily on one foot as she waited for him to finish. "And for the record," he growled lowly, "I can't leave you alone. We are literally handcuffed together."

"I see why so many people ship you," Johanna said cheekily. "You obviously are meant to be."

"I'm going to stab you," Annie threatened through bared teeth. "You just wait. Watch your back."

Johanna just chuckled, not at all worried about Annie's threats. "Calum, I see why you have a lock on your knife drawer."

"She's violent for such a little thing," Calum said, not smiling, but relaxing a little bit. "But she's right. The handcuffs was a stupid idea."

Annie bent down to tie her bootlaces, but forgot about the handcuffs connecting her hand to Calum's. They struggled, trying to work together and be annoyed at each other at the same time.

Finally, they got all dressed in their snow gear, when Calum looked up and relized Annie still wasn't wearing her hat. "You're ears are going to fall off," he said halfheartedly.

"Let them," she replied, looking to Johanna. "Ready?"

Johanna jingled her keys, but Calum ignored her. "No, Annie, you need to wear your hat."

"I'm fine," she insisted, reaching for the door.

Calum grabbed the chain connecting their hands, yanking it back. Annie spun back, hitting his chest. He backed her up to the door, closing her in with his body. Lifting up the hat, he raised his eyebrows, like 'are you going to make this easy or not?'

"I said I'm fine," she muttered.

He ignored her, taking a step closer and pulling her hat out of his back pocket. Annie stayed still, staring him down as he pulled their conjoined wrists up, using both of his hands to adjust Annie's hat over her two braids.

"Happy?" She asked, still a bit peeved but calming down.

"Yes," he murmered. His voice seemed so much deeper lately. Maybe it was from not talking as much, but he was getting better about it.

Johanna grinned, tucking her dark hair behind her ears. "Let's go!"


Johanna had been very, very happy lately, and it kind of freaked Annie out. It wasn't normal. Johanna wasn't exactly known for her sunny disposition. Her default expression was a challenging one, that made her look probably smarter than she actually was.

But here, in Colorado, she was completely different. She seemed genuinely happy. The change was slightly alarming.

Annie thought of this as they sat in the car, bumping down the winding road covered in snow. Johanna drove, as always, and Annie and Calum sat in the back. What with the handcuffs on, making it impossible for them to leave each other's side, Calum and Annie ended up just both sitting in the backseat. They didn't sit next to each other though, instead both claimed a window seat and letting their hands rest next to each other on the middle seat.

Even though it was Johanna's idea, Annie couldn't help but be greatful. She had given them both pairs of soft, black, fingerless gloves, which they wore undeneath the handcuffs. The handcuffs were made of steel, or some sort of metal, and even if they weren't too cold yet, it was only a matter of time before they turned freezing.

There first stop for the day was window shopping, in one of the little tourist towns. When they parked the car, Calum and Annie both tried exiting through their doors, ending with a small tug of war before Calum grabbed Annie's hand and pulled her over to his side, stepping out of the car before pulling her along. He didn't let go of her hand, which made it easier to walk together, but harder for Annie to he upset at him. She couldn't help it. Calum was her safe place.

Why was she even angry? Everything had been so stress-packed, she didn't see what Calum had done to deserve her anger. Sure, he was annoyed too. Maybe it was just that time of year.

Christmastime, when everyone gets mad at each other for no good reason, she thought bitterly to herself.

If that ain't the truth.

A/N: I wrote this chapter so many times, I know its still shit. I don't usually call my chapters fillers, but this one was. It's getting somewhere. I'll tell you when I figure out where.

Also, what'd you think of that Muke almost-smut? Pretty good, eh? And Liz is homophobic, wow, that's a big deal, why isn't anyone talking about it.

Hope finals aren't whooping your asses, but either was I'll be here for you, love you you little muffins you.

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