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  There's something I want to talk to you about when I get home.

  There's something I want to talk to you about.

  We need to talk.

  Things need to change.

  I need to tell you something.

  The thoughts kept racing through Annie's head. Calum had sent her the text almost three hours ago, but she didn't see it until now. He'd be home anymore, and then they'd have to... talk.

   And when she thought it was going so well. Nope, he was going to come home and tell her he doesn't want to do whatever they're doing, or that he wants to move back in with the boys, or that he thinks she should leave him alone. Annie could just imagine him opening the doors and holding up a restraining order.

  You're being rediculous, Annie chided herself. It's probably not a big deal.

  But if it wasn't a big deal, why would he give her a heads up. Why wouldn't he just tell her over text? No, he's definitely going to leave her.

  We're not even together, and he's already leaving me.

  Annie was hanging upside down from the couch as she thought, so when Calum opened the door she was so startled that she fell over, narrowly avoiding hitting the coffee table.

  "Woah Annie, are you okay?" Calum set down his bass case and took a few large steps to Annie. He leant over her, and Annie lurched forwards, connecting her lips with his.

  Calum was surprised but immediatly responded regardless, kissing her back. But Annie wasn't going down without at least one more kiss, so she kissed him harder, wanting to enjoy the last kiss she got. Calum trying to keep up with her, as Annie pulled Calum down so her was on top of her.

  He carefully rested his elbows on the ground to keep himself up, and took Annie's hands from his face, slowing pulling back. He started to smile, before seeing Annie's teary eyes. "Oh, Annie. What's wrong?"

  She scooted back from underneath him, pushing her back against the couch. Calum realized he had been pinning her down, something he was careful to avoid doing too much- it was too much of a reminder of her time with Michael.

  "Aw, Annie, I'm sorry. I just-" he started to apologize, before Annie cut him off.

  "Please don't leave me."

  He froze. Leave her? "What do you mean?"

  "You said you wanted to talk and I know what that means, and I don't want you to leave me. Please, I'm getting better, don't go."

  The gears clicked into place in Calum's brain, and he smiled smally. He took a step forwards, sitting on the couch and pulled Annie up with him.

  "I'm not going to leave you."

  Annie's eyes shot up, looking at him for any trace of a lie. "You're not?"

  Calum grinned, giggling lightly as he pulled Annie in for a gentle kiss. He wiped the tears off her cheeks, and whispered, "Actually, I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend."

  She squealed, jumping forwards and wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him over and over.

  "I'll take that as a yes."

  They were falling too fast, and all of the emotions were already too intense. It was dangerous- but they knew they could handle it; together.

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