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  Annie had given him permission to go full gay, so Calum went ahead. He felt especially cuddly after talking to her, which just made him all the more motivated.

  The boys were over at his house, to spend the night. His dad was going to be gone most of the night, and Mali was going to be spending the night at a friend's house, which meant they basically had the entire house to themselves.

  The boys had layed out a bunch of blankets completly covering the living room floor, which they then dumped their small backpacks or drawstrings on, along with a bunch of pillows. It was almost like old times, but usually in the old times there wasn't a chistmas tree, pushed against the wall. There was still plenty of room though- the Hood's living room was much bigger than Calum and Annie's living room, and they had all managed to fit there, barely.

  Calum was in a whiny, flirty mood, as he crawled over to Michael, who was on his phone as it charged. "Mikkeeeeeeeyyyyyy", he drawled out.

  "Callllluuuummmmm," Mikey replied without looking up. "Whhhhaaaaatttttttt?"


  "Go awwwaaaaaayyyyyy."

  Calum ignored him, climbing into his lap, resting his head against Michaels chest as he slumped against him. He groaned, wiggling against him. "You're not very good at this."

  Michael tried to cuddle more, while still focusing on the game on his phone. He wrapped his arm around Calum waist half heartedly.

  "To think I was surprised when you came out as bi," Mali stated as she walked over, grabbing her jacket. "I'm honestly just surprised you don't consider yourself fully gay."

  "I have a girlfriend!" Calum defended, barely even trying as he whined. "Her name is Annie and she is a better cuddler than Mikey."

  "A better kisser too," Luke agreed. When the other boys gave him a look, even Mikey, who had yet to look up from his phone, Luke quickly backtracked. "I mean, I'm guessing. Mikey's beard is too prickly."

  "A swing and a miss," Mali commented dryly, slinging her purse over her shoulder. "The way you said that still makes it seem like you've kissed Mikey."

  "You're assuming a lot of things in that sentence," Calum commented dryly, relaxing against Michael's chest. "Where are you going again?"

  "A friend's house," she said vaguely. "We're going out for her birthday then crashing at her place. Do you think this dress is too short?"

  Calum gave his sister a once over, still leaning against Michael. "Yes. A floor length dress would still be too short."

  Mali shrugged, expecting the response.

  "I think you look good," Luke commented casually, sitting up. "That neckline suits you."

  "Somebody's got a cru-ush," Ashton teased, laying on his stomach.

  Luke rolled his eyes. "Yes, because that's so likely. Mali's hot, it's just a fact. I'm just complimenting her."

  "Sure," Ashton joked. It was pretty obvious that Luke didn't have a crush on her, as he was gay, but it was still funny to joke about. They were in the habit anyways, after doing the exact same type of teasing in interviews all their career, to conceal Luke's sexuality.

  Luke shrugged, ignoring it. "I think the Hemmings are all just naturally attracted to the Hoods. We were talking about you guys earlier, by the way."

  "Really?" Calum asked, only half interested. "Do I need to call my lawyers?"

  "We were talking about how hot you are," Luke continued, ignoring him. "Ben said that if he was gay he'd be attracted to you. Jack agreed."

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