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"So... what happened last night?" Luke asked, seeming nervous. "You guys made up?"

Annie wrinkled her nose. "No."

"Really?" Michael asked, rummaging through the fridge. "But what about the interview?"

"What about it?" Calum asked. Annie could tell he was hurt, but so was she! Calum had cheated on her. Giving him the cold shoulder was nothing.

Michael stood up, scratching his head tiredly. "You were all in love at the interview. We'd all thought you'd worked it out."

Annie shook her head, her arms crossed. "It was our fight, not the fans. They didn't need to know. Besides, this relationship isn't truly ours. As soon as we told Johanna about it, as soon as I signed those forms and gave my permission, it became the fandoms."

"Annie-" Calum started, but she cut him off.

"Don't tell it's not true, because it is! You think I wanted to be sitting on that couch, your arm around me when I knew that you didn't care about me? The last place I wanted to be after all that happened was next to you, yet here I am."

Everyone stood still, waiting for Calum's response. He looked at the ground, refusing to look at her. "I didn't Luke want to kiss me. He said he'd keep nagging me about it if I didn't, and I didn't want to upset him, so I just went with it. Annie, I do care about you."

  Annie rested her head in her hands, looking stressed.


  She took in a deep, shaky breath. "I hate this," she declared. Everyone was quiet, waiting for something to happen. "I hate this so much. There's too many emotions. Can we just stop being all sad and dramatic, and get back to making jokes about nudes and fan fictions and Mashton? Why does everything have to be so complicated? Why can't we just pretend this is a fanfiction, and I'll go around kissing everyone because that's what fanfiction's are like, and you guys will go around being dorky and weird and not creepy or mean or angry, and we'll all just be happy in our little whirlwind of sass? Why can't we just do that?"

  Luke laughed a little, uncomfortable. "Because this isn't a fanfiction Annie."

  Yeah right.

  "And besides," Ashton added. "Those fanfiction's can be so weird. Like, if this was a fanfiction, then by now you'd probably be pregnant."

  Annie's eyes widened as she looked at her stomach. It was the same size as always. "Let's just hope this isn't a fanfiction then."

  "Sounds like a solid enough plan."

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