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The next day, Annie was awoken by a pile of files being dropped loudly on her desk.

"I'm awake!" She declared, sitting up in her seat.

"Really?" Johanna sourly replied. "Because it seemed like you were just asleep."

Annie clicked her tongue, focusing her eyes on the stack of papers. "Definitely not. I was just killing a fly... with my forehead. And then gravity increased. Sorry, it won't happen again."

Johanna sighed. "I know what you're doing, and you need to stop."

"I'm just doing paperwork," Annie replied, not focusing on what she was saying.

"No, not that. The sleeping?"

Annie shook her head, fingering through the pile of folders and papers. "I have no idea what you're talking about," she lied.

Johanna shook her head, marching out of the office. Annie let out a shaky breath. She had to be more careful.

Johanna marched down the hallway, turning a few corners and opening a few doors to get to the bass practice room. It was five minutes til 10, right when Calum was practicing technique.

She barged in, not caring that she was interupting. "Calum, we need to talk. Ricardo, are you at a stopping point?"

The instructor blinked. "Um, not really, we just-" Johanna gave him a look, and he cleared his throat. "Actually, yes. Work on your positioning. You need to hit the exact notes not- well, see you Thursday."

Calum nodded and watched as Ricardo left. "Honestly, this whole 'I'm so scary' act is getting old. You could cool down the theatrics."

Johanna ignored him. "Calum, Annie's dead."


"Good, now that I have your attention we can talk about the real news," she said smugly. Calum's eyes were wider than ever.

"Karma's obviosuly not real, otherwise you'd be dead by now."

"Oh definitely. But this is important. Have you noticed a change in Annie's behavior lately? Anything.. noteable?"

Calum looked down, fiddling with his bass. "So that's what we're talking about."

"Mm-hmm. Tell me, what exactly have you noticed?"

"Do we have to do this? Are you seriously going to make me play this game?" Johanna didn't reply. "Fine. She's been falling asleep during the daytime and not sleeping when it's dark out, I think. I don't know why, and she isn't telling me anything."

Johanna tapped her chin. "Have you done anything about it?"

"I crushed up a sleeping pill and put it in her dinner." He reponded. Johanna blinked. "I'm joking. No, I haven't don't anything yet. I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"Maybe start out with talking to her?"

"Why can't you?"

"Because I'm not dating her."

"Minor detail."

"Why are you avoiding this?"

  Calum crossed his arms over his bass defensively. "I'm not."

  "Yes you are. Why?"

  He sighed, looking away. "I just... I don't know how I'm supposed to help."

  "I'm sure you'll figure something out."

************ ************ ********

  "Annie, we need to talk."

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