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  "Let's try that again. From Ruthy's entrance, scene 5."

  Annie walked back to the doorway of the set, her head hurting. She needed to forget the drama with Calum, just throw herself into the acting. She had wanted relief, here it was.

  "Places? Okay, begin."

  Annie ran into the room through the doorway, running on her tiptoes as per the character. She saw Sebastian (A.K.A. Thomas's character), and grabbed his hands. "I can't do this anymore." she admitted, her characters voice a few octaves higher than her own.

  "Then we can't do it any longer," he said. They stared into each others eyes 'deeply and filled with passion', both of them slowly leaning in.

  "I... I should go." Ruthy, Annie's character admitted.

  "Yes!" He agreed overenthusiastically. "Yes, you should... you should leave."

  She pulled away slowly from his embrace, walking away heavy heartedly, casting a longing look back. He walked back to his bedside, looking distressed.

  He cast her a longing look. She turned away, pausing at the doorframe. 4...3....2...1...

  Annie spun around, and he did to, the two of the running to each other and colliding. "I can't stay away from you!" She admitted, kissing him passionately.

  "Me neither. You are my one desire, my one passion in this dark world."

  Who even wrote these lines? Either way, when performing the audience would find out that wasn't true. Thomas's character, Sebastian, had many other passions- including seducing Ruthy's fiancé.

  Annie pushed herself against him, kissing him aggressively, more so than the role called for. He tried to keep up with her, fumbling with there hands.

  "Cut!" the director declared. They pulled away, trying to act natural while recovering from the kiss. "Again. Ruthy, not so agressive this tine. You have to let him take you."

Annie nodded numbly, reseting their positions.


  Back in her normal clothes, Annie sat on a stool staring at her dark phone screen. She had to make a choice. Should she call Calum? Or maybe Ashton, or one of the other boys? She didn't want to go home, she knew that much. But did she have any other options?

  "Hey, Annie," Thomas called, jogging over.

  Annie did her best to muster up a smile. "Hey Thomas. Sorry about... earlier." While running through one of the scenes, she accidentally had brushed her hand against his crotch, resulting in an awkward moment both of them had done their best to cover up.

  Thomas laughed. "Hey, it's no problem. I just came over to ask if you were doing okay; you seemed a little off today."

  Annie looked him up and down. He was a generally likable person, with a caring smile that made Annie want to trust him automatically. "Um, yeah. My boyfriend and I were fighting earlier. I'm still trying to figure stuff out."

  He frowned, nodding sympathetically and sitting in the stool across from Annie. "I get that. My fiancé and I get like that sometimes, and I always hate it. I like to think it's a good thing- there have to be downs in a relationship for there to be any ups."

  She blinked. "That was actually really good advice." Biting her lip, she considered not asking the next question, but deciding she should. "Fiancé?"

  He nodded happily. "Grace. She's amazing. She works in real estate, and is really good at it. I'd love to do something I'm really good at."

  Annie got that. "Well, you're pretty good at acting."

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