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  When Calum woke up, he felt as though something was missing. Luke was there with him, but when he looked up, Annie was nowhere to be seen.

  He pulled himself up, out of bed, and slowly walked out of his room.

  "Hey Calum. We're playing double solitaire, but you can join in on the next hand." Johanna said, giving him a cheery smile. She seemed to have come alive over the past day, just being in Colorado making her strangely happier.

  "Are you always this smiley in the morning?" He asked.

  Michael turned to him, looking scared as his mouthed the words 'I know, right?'

  Johanna laughed. "Colorado is my home. I'm always cheery when I'm here." Her smile faltered slightly, as if remembering something painful.

  Calum rubbed his eyes, still dreary from sleep. "Do you know where Annie is?"

  Michael coughed awkwardly. "Erm, she's here. Why do you ask?"

  "She's not in our room," Calum said, raising his eyebrows. Michael looked at his feet, awkwardly tapping his fingers on the floor. "Yeah, she's in the other room."

  Nodding, Calum tried to remain calm. It was nothing. For whatever reason, Annie slept in that room.

  He just hoped it wasn't against her will.

  Opening the door, Calum braced for the worst. Holding his breath, he walked in to find...

  Annie was okay.

  He let go of his breath, but maybe he did so too soon. Annie was sleeping in Ashton's bed. With Ashton.

  His arm wrapped around her, and she rested her head against his chest.

  Ashton's chest was bare, the blankets pulled up just enough to show his upper torso. The blanket was pulled higher in Annie, as if she'd been cold- it would make sense why she was cold. Her shoulders were bare.

  It took Calum a moment to process the scene in front of him. But it looked like.... Well, it looked like...

  "Are you two naked?" He exclaimed, far too loudly.

  Ashton blinked his eyes open, as Annie just stirred. "What?" He croaked.

  "Oh my God. Oh my God! Did you just hook up with Annie?"

  Ashton's as still half asleep as he sat up. "What do you mean?"

  "You're naked! How- how-"

  Annie's eyes flittered open, and sat up too, holding the sheets to her chest. "What's wrong?" She yawned.

  Calum shook his head. "I can't believe- and to think-" lost for words, he stormed out of the room.

  "Wait, Cal!" Annie jumped up, and adjusted her undershirt straps, which had fallen off her shoulders. She ran out of the room, colliding with Calum in the hall. "Cal, stop, please!"

  He righted them up, holding onto her forearms tightly. "How'd you get dressed so quickly?"

  "I didn't. I was already wearing this- Ashton was wearing boxers. You know I wouldn't do that, right?"

  Calum shook his head, sad. "I don't. It feels like you just keep getting closer and closer to Ashton, and last night- I just don't know anymore."

  Annie looked at her feet, embarrassed. "I've just been spending more time with Ashton because you've been spending more time with Luke."

  Calum's eyes shot up, not expecting Annie to say that. "Annie..."

  "You love him, don't you." She said, her eyes tearing up. "Don't you."

  Calum took her hands shakily. "I love them all, Michael and Ashton and Luke. They're my best friends, they're my brothers."

  Annie grimaced. "Don't call him your brother. You don't f.uck your brother."

  Calum laughed, squeezing her hands lightly. "I love them, all of them. But you... I love you in a different way. I don't want to be without you. I can't stand the idea of you leaving me. And, in all honesty... I can't stand this. I hate to see you cry. I'm sorry for accusing you."

  He hung his head, letting go of Annie's hands.

  She stood still, unsure of what she should download or how she was supposed to feel. Lifting her hands gingerly, she took him by the jawline, and pulled him in, kissing him lightly before pulling away. "I'm sorry too, for making you feel that way. I love you, Cal."

  He pulled her in again, pulling her into a deep, romantic, kiss.

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