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  Calum pulled the coffee mug out from underneath Annie's pillow. She must have fallen asleep last night and dropped it, but it seemed to be empty, and the bed wasn't wet.

  His phone alarm had gone off that morning, blaring loudly. What they usually did was one of them would roll over and turn it off, and go to make breakfast. This morning Annie didn't so much as stir.

  Calum got up, pulling the covers back up around Annie. He stretched, his neck creaking and his back groaning.

  Once he brushed his teeth and put on a beanie to calm down his hair, Calum went into the kitchen and checked the calender on one of the cabinets. It was health day. Their personal trainer insisted they have a certain amount of 'health days' a month, where him and the other boys ate specifically picked 'healthy' foods. There was a chart taped to the top of the calender, so grumbling, Calum began preparing the weird smoothie.

  It took a little longer than usual to finish, ending up a weird green color. It smelled just fantastic, like kale and broccoli were siblings and had a baby, and Calum just blended up that baby with protein powder and tears.

  Annie still wasn't up. Usually she'd be up by now, teasing Calum about one thing or another.

  Scratching his hair under his beanie, Calum stumbled back to his room. Annie was in bed still, but had been moving in her sleep. She'd kicked the sheet off, so it flopped over her legs. Her shirt- well, Calum's shirt that she'd borrowed (he never wore those t-shirts anyways)- barely reached past her hips. Calum blinked, watching her snore softly, before realizing what a predator he seemed like. 'Just casually watching my half-naked girlfriend sleep from across the room, nbd.'

  Shaking his head, he went over to her room. She was a little obsessive, and had picked out her clothes the night before. He grabbed them and her charging phone, carrying them back to his room. Her toothbrush and toothpaste had already relocated themselves to his bathroom.

  They only had twelve minutes before they needed to leave. Calum knew he needed to wake Annie up, but still... she'd had a rough night. She needed sleep. But she also had to go to work.

  He made a compromise with himself. He'd get dressed, and then he'd wake her up. Give her one more minute of sleep.

  As he began getting dressed, however, Calum realized maybe it wasn't that restful. Annie twitched in her sleep, her breathes getting faster, puffing out every exhale. Her entire body tensed up.

  Calum pushed his belt through the loops quickly, buckling it loosely. He rushed over to her side. She was having the dream again.

  Annie made a whimpering noise at the back of her throat. Calum leaned over her, and licked the tip of her nose.

  Her eyes shot open, and for a millisecond she looked scared. Then her brain processed, and she sighed, looking up at Calum's face meekly. "'ts nothing." She defended automatically.
  Calum pulled her into a sitting position slowly, and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I know it wasn't."

  She leaned her forehead against his chest, calming down his breath. "What time is it?"

  "We've got ten minutes," he informed her.

  Annie jumped up, but Calum caught her wrist. "Calm down. I've got everything covered." He pulled her folded clothes over from the other side of the bed, giving her a side smile.

  She started stripping immediatly, Calum walking over to his closet and pulling on a shirt. He was slow this morning, but he couldn't say the same  for Annie. In record time she'd pulled on her clothes and ran over to the bathroom.

  Calum stuck his phone in his jeans pocket, walking faster to the kitchen. He poured the weird, smelly smoothie into two travel cups. His feet were shoved into shoes, and he turned around to see Annie leaning against the doorway. "Breakfast?"

  "Health day," he replied with fake enthusiasm.

  She nodded, and accepted her travel mug graciously. Calum didn't point out her eye bags. He didn't point out how she hugged her sides sickly, or how her eyes flittered around nervously.

  "Ready?" Calum asked, giving her a cute smile.

  She sighed. "Let's do it."

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