Follow (Clark Kent x Reader)

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Clark's blue eyes followed Y/N as she closed her locker.

Y/N was beautiful with deep e/c eyes and perfect h/c hair that looked soft. Simply beautiful like a living work of art, wearing a string of pearls that rest on the collar of her white blouse parked with sleek jeans.

She was the rich kid of Smallville, Kansas. Her parents owning multiple pieces of land across the US. She was perfect with lots of 'friends', good grade, good looks, and lots of wealth. She could set someone up for their lifetime with the snap of her fingers.

Y/N was kind and not afraid to voice her opinions and was very loud.

Her e/c eyes darted up to meet his electric blue ones, causing him to looks away embarrassed that he was caught staring.

And then she left, leaving him to his rambling thoughts.

She once defended him in PE, when his bully was calling him weak.

Sometimes, Clark wondered if he had a chance to become her friend... Or something more. You can say he has a slight crush.

Clark slung his backpack over his shoulder and headed out to the almost empty parking lot.

He climbed into his truck and drove home, humming to the radio as he pulled up at his home.

A unfamiliar sleek black car was on his driveway as he got out, knitting his eyebrows in confusion.

When he opened the door, he heard Ma's voice and another unfamiliar voice.

There sitting in his living room is a man with familiar e/c eyes and effortless h/c with some slight grey hair.

"Ma?" He asked, unsure of what to do.

"Clark! This is Mr. L/N, he's selling us a nearby piece of land to expand the farm."

The man extended his hand and Clark shook it.

"Excuse me, Ms. Kent, I can't seem—" a girl walked out, looking a little surprised to see Clark. "... To find the bathroom."

"This is my daughter, Y/N. I'm sure you guys go to the same school."

"Yeah, I've seen Clark around."

His cheeks heated slightly, remembering the last encounter he had with her.

"That's great! How about you kids talk while Pa and I go check out the land?"

"Actually I have—" Clark started,

"That'd be great." Y/N cut him off.

Clark watched Y/N in the corner of his eye. She glanced at the window, watching them leave, then turning around to Clark.

"Now what?"

"I actually have homework still..."

"Fuck that, let's go outside." Y/N said, grabbing his arm and leading him out.

"But Ms.—"

"Fuck her, let's go. I'm bored from class."

"I never talked to you before..." Clark explained, his cheeks heated up.

Y/N stared at the tree in the distance, "Let's go there." She said, ignoring him.

Then, she sprinted out, with Clark following her.

When she turned around the corner of the tall corn stocks, she disappeared.

Clark felt panic run up his throat but then,


Y/N sat on one of the tree branch, her sleek jeans had a streak of ripped seams but her face held a amused grin.

Clark never seen this side of her, the adventurous one.

She climbed deeper into the branches of the trees, disappearing.

And Clark followed behind, slightly using his powers.

He was starting to fall faster for her, his crush intensified.

She sat on one of the top branches, looking out to the whole farm.

"What happened to your," he panted, "personality."

She waved her hand, "that's my mask for the school."


"I need a real friend, and frankly, you are the only approachable one right now."

Then she climbed back down, landing on her feet like a cat.

"Now, cmon, we still have that tree to climb." She pointed in the distance before sprinting away.

With Clark willing to following her to the end of the world.

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