Blame (Lex Luthor x Reader)

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Requested by @avengerlocked


"Y/N, do you think this gold would match the rest of my suit?" Lex asked, inspecting himself in a full length mirror. His fingers straightened out his gold tie.

Y/N smiled lightly from across the room, leaning against the door way. She nodded and walked towards him. Her face was centimeters away from his when she stopped.

"You look really dashing, Mr. Luthor." She teased, smiling smugly, knowing that she got him wrapped around her finger.

He swallowed and tried to think of a smart comeback but his mind went blank.

Her hands replaced his as she tied the gold-colored fabric around his neck, securely. Then, adjusting his outer coat of his suit, she beamed back up at him. Her hands trailed down to his stomach, gently, teasing him.

"Really dashing." She whispered, leaning forward to kiss but moved ever so slightly to kiss his cheek.

She giggled at his frown when she pulled away.

Lex glared at her, playfully before trapping her in his arms. "You missed, darling." He replied.

"I don't think so, sir." She replied, her eyes glued to his lips. "I didn't miss." Her mischievous grin reflected back to him as she squirmed out of his arms before disappearing down the hall.

He just stood there as she left, surprised. His heart thumped loudly in his chest, busting with a overpowering warmth. His mind felt like cotton, fuzzy, while his palms were clammy as he felt his pulse. He felt like he was in a daydream. She was a daydream, too good to be real.

"Is this what love feels like?" He whispered, aloud. "How intriguing."


He ran past the crowd of people as he searched frantically through the rubble of cement. It smelled like rusty, dust and blood. His feet crushed the smashed stone pieces as he pushed the blocks of what used to be a building away.

His lungs felt like they were being crushed. His brain felt like it was clogged, but one thing was clear.

He needed to find Y/N.

Y/N was going to Metropolis to do some businesses stuff and attend some meetings. Lex was told she was going to be back tonight. But as soon as he heard about Superman and a alien fighting, as soon as he saw the falling city, he ran.

He couldn't bear of losing her. He already had nobody, no one understood who he was, how he was. The way his mind worked, they were too stupid. But she, she was advanced enough. With her hypnotizing e/c eyes, she was simply perfection in his eyes. He must have her, for he was Lex Luthor after all. He only deserved the best.

The medics and police pulled him back as he scrambled to run back to the pile of stone.

In the corner of his eye, he saw a blur of red, grey and blue rush past another building, bringing it down as well. Lex felt his fist clenched as his eyes narrowed.

He knew who to blame for this.

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