Inescapable (Vision x Reader)

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It was all so fast. The feelings and butterflies seemed to multiply whenever he thought of you. It was inescapable.

He didn't have any courage to confess to you since he was so content just being at your side. But he felt unsatisfied when he wished to experience this kiss that everyone talked to much about.

He wondered if it would cause that warm feeling to erupt inside his chest like when he hugged or touched you.

It was a wonderful feeling.

The warmth happened a lot when he would study the human slang in movie marathon you guys would often indulge in. Those were one of his fondest times with you.

Vision would catching himself staring at your lips and wondering if he just confessed right now, would you feel the same.

Another new feeling he experienced when he was with you was when you made comments on how hot someone was. It didn't matter if it was a girl or boy, he felt threatened. It was a sick feeling of pain in his chest. Almost like someone took his heart and twisted it.

She was easy to read, making it easy for him to understand. It was simple, he adored her. And he couldn't get enough of it.

It was something about the way that she made him feel. It was almost like reassuring feeling that told him that everything was going to be okay. Even if he wasn't natural and no one could ever love android.

So when she was bleeding out on the battlefield, everything was hitting him like a pile of bricks. He was desperate on trying to fix the situation, looking for the solution to stop the person he loved the most from dying.

His gut twisted in it a unsettling feeling while the lump in his throat that he never experienced was suffocating him. His thoughts were chaotic.

But when you grabbed his hands and swallowed the rising blood in your mouth, his thoughts stopped. He admired how she still looked gorgeous while dying. It was too soon.

"It's okay, Vision." You said, softly. "Just... J-Just don't stop fighting."

"I adore you." He blurted out. "I-I think about you too much and I c-constantly wonder if I love you."

She closed her eyes. Her face was peaceful, almost like she was expecting this.

"I know, Vision." Her breaths were shallow and heavy. "You don't have to say anything, just know that I love you too."

"I-I..." His mouth failed to form words as she fell limp.

Panic rose his his mind as he realize that she was really gone. He felt cheated on. Life stole the world and anchor for him and now he was lost and floating away.

It was like someone extinguish his brightest flame and left him in the dark with just the little candles. He didn't lose everything but he might as well have.

And so when the battle was over with a pile of corpses around Vision, the others knew that Y/N was gone because the fire in his eyes were unmistakable.

And his anger and sorrow was inescapable as her body and words haunted his thoughts.

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