Brave Enough To Leave (Loki x Reader)

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Requested by @Evelcewing
I listened to NYLA by Blackbear while writing this song. I'm not sorry.


Loki and Y/N have been fighting for hours now. It's almost become a daily thing. Y/N felt like suffocated. Feeling like she couldn't breathe or move. And decided that enough was enough.

"Where are you going?" Loki asked, grabbing her wrist.

She flicked his wrist away. "I'm leaving."

Loki felt his anger began to disappear. "What?"

"I'm leaving, Loki. I can't take this." She ran her fingers through her hair

Loki faltered, his fear and loneliness quickly appeared on his face. "No, No—wait, you can't leave." He grabbed her hand.

Y/N tried to flick it off again, but his grip was strong and unrelenting. It soon burned in pain.

"Loki, let go of me." She said, struggling.

"No, you can't leave. I forbid that." His tone was quickly rising. "You can not leave, I won't allow it." He was yelling now.

Y/N felt tears poke the corner of her eyes. "L-Loki..." Her voice quivered along with her bottom lip.

Loki saw her glassy eyes and let go of her wrist and instead pulling her into his arms. "P-Please don't leave. I-I don't mean that."

Y/N sobbed into his shirt. Her body was shaking. The world felt small and she felt smaller. Her insides were too big, bursting at its seams and pouring out of her eyes as she sobbed.

Every little emotion in the fight earlier transferred to sadness and loneliness.

"P-please don't leave." Loki was crying now. "I beg you, please don't leave." His co,d hands cupped around her cheeks.

His thumb swiped away the tears that kept on coming. His own tears were pouring out too. Every stress and feeling they felt in the month has built up to the tears that they were crying right now.

"D-Don't cry." Y/N laughed, her shaky laugh made Loki smile. "P-Please..."

The smile hurt on his face as all he wanted to do was sob in her arms.

"I love... I love you. Please d-don't leave me." Loki pressed his face on to the crook of her neck as he sobbed.

"I-I'm tired, Loki." She confessed, swallowing the lump in her throat. "I tried. P-Please understand. I-I need to get away."

"I-I know y-you're hurt." Loki pressed her smaller frame into his own. "I-I—I'll make it w-work! I swear to—"

"Loki." She raised his face and smile sadly at him. Pressing his forehead into hers, she closed her eyes as fat tears trailed down her cheeks. "I love you, don't you ever doubt that... B-But I have to go."

Her voice cracked as her mouth slipped out another sob.

"P-Please understand. Please—Just–please understand." She smiled up at him. "I'll be very happy. Please let me be happy."

"I-I don't know if I can." Loki felt his body shake. "I'm not brave enough."

"Loki, I love you." She said, firmly. Her tears are not dried. "But I have to go now."

Taking a deep breath, Loki planted a kiss on her lips. It tasted salty and felt soft.


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