Chapter 2

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It was now later in the day, and finally lunch. Today was a pretty good first day so far. My classes were good, some of my teachers are pretty chill, and the new friends I made seem okay.

I was walking into the cafeteria, knowing that I'm most likely going to sit alone. I started walking around so I could find an empty table, but most of the tables were taken since this lunch was packed.

It was until I saw Jade sitting alone at a table in the corner of the cafeteria reading a book. I got a little happy feeling inside me since I actually don't have to sit by myself.

I walked one to her, sitting in the chair almost next to her. "Hey Jade," I smiled towards her, which got her attention.

"Oh," she replied a little uneasy. She put her book down and smiled a little towards me. "Hey Aubrey."

"Bree," I told her. "You can call me Bree," I giggled a little.

"I like Aubrey," she told me. I just nodded, since I like my nickname better. I never really liked my real name, and my nickname is alright to me.

She didn't say anything else, which was a little awkward. She then went back to reading her book. "So Jade..." I started, and she looked at me. "Why are you sitting alone?"

"I don't have much friends," she answered with a slight smile.

"Oh," was all I said, and I remembered our conversation from this morning. "Just in the lunch?"

"Nope," she told me. "All the time." I noticed she looked a little embarrassed about her answer, and I felt a little bad.

"I'm sorry," I told her sympathetically.

"It's okay, I'm used to it," she said with a small smile once again. I still felt bad. But it felt like she didn't really wanna talk to me, which was weird. I was actually wanting to try to be her friend.

She kept on reading her book, making it silent between us. It was a little awkward, so I put my bag on the table, sneaking my phone through it.

I got a few text messages, especially from Nina. I really miss her so much. We then started texting each other, and I mostly told her about my new school.

I was so into our texting conversation, that I literally jumped when some sat in the chair next to mine. I looked over to seeing Ethan in the chair next to mine, along with his brother Grayson.

"Better put that phone away missy," Ethan told me with a slight smirk, and I just shook my head and laughed.

"I don't have to take orders from you," I giggled, and he just laughed.

"You're a junior, right?" he asked me, and I nodded.

"So are we," Grayson, right next to him, said.

"Interesting," I told them with a tiny smile.

"So what are you doing here, sitting with a nobody right there?" Grayson asked me, gesturing towards Jade.

I looked over to seeing Jade looking a little nervous, but yet a little hurt in his response. I have to admit that was pretty rude.

"That's a little rude, don't you think?" I said to Grayson with a little attitude.

Grayson put his hands in surrender. "Just asking, cause I wouldn't want you turning into a loser like her," he shrugged.

"Gray, shut up," Ethan said to him in a stern tone.

"That's not what you said this morning," I added. I don't know why he's acting like such a hypocrite. Jade honestly didn't do anything to him, and I have no idea why he has such a rude attitude.

"Whatever, let's talk about math today," I heard Ethan say. "I can't believe the teacher was actually going to give you detention on your first day."

"Right," I told him with a laugh, while he let out a small chuckle. "Like it's my first day, and I don't get a break?" We then started talking more about that class today, and other things.

Grayson did butt in a few times, but I just tried to ignore him since he's already annoying to me. Jade was even avoiding everything from this conversation, and just staying quiet.

I know she said that Ethan and Grayson are players and bad, but I don't really see it, well mainly in Ethan. Ethan seems nice and sweet to me from today. I don't know why she would say something like that about him.

Grayson's POV

Ethan and I were at lunch today with our buds, but he had gotten up from our table since he wanted to go talk to this girl. No figure.

Since he's always the only getting with these girls, maybe it could be my turn this time. I started following him, until I realized it was that same new girl from this morning.

Things didn't turn out so well this morning, and I even tried making it better when I talked to her. But it seemed like she didn't like me and didn't wanna talk to me...

I hate it when these things happen when I talk to girl. They almost always end up like that, and it messes up trying to get with them. And of course it had to happen with this girl when I had a good feeling about her...

But this girl seems different. She definitely seems hard to get, I can tell. I don't know why, but from the moment I seen her, I just feel something with her. Almost like I'm attracted to her...

Yet we all know I would never work out with her. I try to make peace with her when I talk to her, but it doesn't work. Also, Ethan's always the slick one getting with girls, and it seems like he already has her on his track.

Ethan's POV

This new girl is definitely something. She is so much different from those other girls I've been with, and I'm pretty happy that she is.

I feel like I have a connection with her ever since I've met and talked to her. Our conversations just keep going on and on, making me more interested in her.

I know I just met this girl, but I don't feel interested in her like I do with any other girl I'm with. I feel so intrigued in her, almost like I wanna be with her...

I also know it's way too early to feel like this. And I bet she doesn't even see me as that they way back. Additionally, this could also mess up my reputation in this school...

But if I see the new girl as that, then so be it. Maybe if I just keep talking to her, getting more into knowing her, and knowing if I know for sure I do feel like that, then I can just go for it.

A/N: Brayson or Breethan? 😈👊🏼 Sorry for the really terrible ship names😂

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