Chapter 48

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I have become so much happier inside ever since Grayson showed up to surprise me. My birth mom was lucky enough to catch on on how I was feeling, and so she called him up. And now that he's finally here, it's like my world is complete. He makes my world complete.

Anyways, we decided for him to stay with me at my birth moms house. Surprisingly, my birth mom was actually fine with letting him sleep with me in my bed... But obviously nothing happened.

We basically spent the rest of the night taking a walk along the boardwalk and on the beach, and it made my mood so much brighter since I was with him.

Once it was getting really dark out, we came back home. We then just watched a couple random movies until I fell asleep in his arms. Even though we didn't do much, I still loved spending those little moments with him.

We then woke up the next morning, and my birth mom actually had a meeting she had to attend early in the morning. So that left Grayson and I home alone, and so we just decided to stay home and have a lazy day.

Grayson and I made breakfast together, and it was actually kinda funny cause we made a complete mess while cooking. But we did make pancakes, which was so delicious.

We ate them together, but we soon headed back into my room after we finished cleaning the dishes. We then hoped onto my bed, searching through the movies on Netflix.

After a few minutes of trying to choose a movie to watch together, we finally picked a funny movie to watch. As it began to start, Grayson and I got under the covers. I then cuddled up more onto Grayson, having our skin touching.

I was only wearing some pajama shorts along with one of Grayson's t-shirts that were huge on me, while Grayson was shirtless and only wearing sweatpants, since this is what we wore for bed.

The movie finally began to play, and we both started to watch it. But I couldn't focus that much on it, since Grayson was still in my mind, like he always is.

I even cuddled more onto him at the thought of him, and I felt him kiss the top of my head. I smiled to myself, since he's always this perfect to me.


"How about this one?" I suggested, while the description of the movie showed on the tv screen. It's been hours since Grayson and I were watching a bunch of movies together. If this a what a lazy day consists of, then I love it.

We've literally never left my bed since we started watching the first movie. I completely don't mind, since I'm too lazy to go out and do anything to be honest.

"We should watch a scary movie," Grayson told me. I then moved a little away from him after he said that, and we both looked at each other.

"But I hate scary movies and you know that," I said to him a bit sternly, but I did end up letting out a smile as he did the same.

"That's why we should watch it. So then you'll cuddle more onto me," he smirked, letting out a laugh. He's pretty much true about that though.

I then let out a laugh myself, as I laid back down where I was before, which was on his bare chest. "Maybe we should take a break from watching movies cause we've watched a lot already," I told him, and he agreed.

I then cuddled more onto his chest, while I felt him put his arms around me. It was like he was protecting me, and it made me feel so safe around him.

"What if we talk about... Going back home?" I heard Grayson suggest. I then moved a little off of him, so my I was facing him.

"What do you mean?" I asked him a little confused, and the both of us sat up a bit.

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