Chapter 43

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Bree's POV

It's been a couple days ever since I've moved down to San Diego with my birth mom. I've really liked spending time down here with her, since this break from school and everyone there is perfect.

It's also making me recover and relax since then. But I still know I can't go back just yet. My birth mom and I have been doing a lot f activities together which is making me feel more closer to her, which I adore.

But yet, I am starting to get a little homesick. I still miss my other mom back home in Los Angeles, but mostly Ethan and Grayson.

This homesickness also feels a little different too. I feel more homesick right now when I came down to San Diego, than what I felt when I moved to LA from Florida.

But I am still readjusting. I've been keeping in touch with my mom back home, but more with Ethan and Grayson. Well... Mostly Grayson, cause I'm dating him.

I've been calling, texting, and even FaceTiming them since then. It's been making me feel a little better from being so far away, but I still wanna be near them physically, which is a little tough right now.

Anyways, I decided to actually do something to not make me feel anymore depressed from being far away from them. My birth mom had to leave early for some meeting she has at her work, and she wouldn't be coming home till later in the afternoon.

And so, I decided to actually go for a little jog. I got up a little early this morning, since I couldn't fall back asleep. I then changed into some gym shorts, along with a random t-shirt, and my running sneakers.

I then went into the bathroom, and I began to fix my bed head. I put my hair into a high pony tail, and I even added some deodorant and perfume to myself.

I then headed back into my room to grab my phone and headphones, and I finally began to make my way down stairs. I then headed out the door as I put my headphones in my ears, and started searching for a song to listen to.

A good and upbeat song began to blast throughout my ears as I made it outside, and I closed the door behind me. I then started to walk out towards the sidewalk, and I noticed that it wasn't so bad outside.

I started to finally jog right on the side walk, and it actually felt good inside. My mind then began to clear away all my stressful thoughts that were going through my head as I began running.

It was also not that hot outside, since the sun wasn't that much out yet. It was only a little breezy, since I'm right across from the water. The sun didn't rise that much, which made me love this weather.

I started to begin thinking about what this little break will be like. It's already going perfectly fine for me, which is good. But I still wonder how my school is doing back home. Everyone must be really happy since I'm not there so much anymore...

My thoughts had then gotten interrupted once I felt my phone buzz in my hand. I quickly checked it, and I noticed a text from Grayson. It then read:

Good morning beautiful, I hope you're having a good day. I miss you a lot but I hope you're doing a lot better down in SD. I'm a school rn but I'll definitely call you as soon as I can so I can hear your voice. I love you so much.

I then smiled to myself, since he sent me a long paragraph, and just the thought on how much he cares for me. I was then starting to text him back, but I was literally brought back into reality, since I had apparently bumped into someone.

I stopped dead in my tracks taking my headphones out, and I noticed that I had bumped into a guy looking similar to my age. He was also holding a coffee cup, and I had just realized that I had spilled his coffee all over him.

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