Chapter 6

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It was now finally the weekend, once again. I'm kinda happy I'm away from school so I wouldn't have to deal with any annoying people, but I still wished to see my friends.

Anyways, I took a trip to a local coffee shop in town. Mainly since I had to finish working on an essay for history, but I still wanted to get out and go somewhere.

I walked here to this small, cozy coffee shop I found in the center of town, and it was already my favorite place to be at. I can drive, but it's nice to take a walk once in a while.

I ordered a freshly nice cup of coffee from here, and took a seat at a booth by myself with my school work. I started working on some of my essay, but it was really hard.

I've been sitting here for at least a half hour, and I haven't even written down two words. I was mainly just staring down at my paper work, while listening to the voice of Melanie Martinez through my headphones.

As you can tell, history isn't my best subject...

I then started to tap my pencil down on the paper constantly as I was listening to a song of Melanie's, and I even took a few sips of my coffee.

It was until I found a figure walking slowly close to me, I stopped my music and took my headphones out of my ears.

I then found Ethan's figure standing right by where I was sitting, and he was staring right down at me. I then started to get that feeling once again when I always see him...

I didn't really know what to say, since I honestly look terrible right now... I basically just rolled out of bed while putting my hair in a messy bun, and walking out the door with no makeup on.

"Hey..." I said a little awkwardly, trying to sound casual.

"Hey Bree," he said with a small smile forming on his face. "Didn't think I'd find you here."

"Me neither," I giggled a little. Hopefully my appearance right now doesn't affect how he usually sees me, like at school.

"Whatcha doing?" he asked.

"Just trying to finish up this essay I have for history," I explained. "And I'm not really getting anywhere."

He just let out a small chuckle, which caused me to giggle. I just noticed that he's always making me laugh around him, which is making me feel something about him.

"Here, let me help you," he smiled slightly. I let out a smile also, while scooting over so he can take my spot.

He then sat down right next to me, and I got chills from him being this close to me. I even felt my heart start to beat a little faster... Does this mean that I actually do feel like that about him?

"It may not seem that my grades are good in school, but history is one subject I'm pretty good at," he added, interrupting my thoughts.

He even looked towards my direction, flashing a smile. I smiled back also. He then looked at my paper, probably reading it over.

"The Boston Tea Party?" he said. "This is easy stuff."

"That's what you think," I told him with a little giggle, and he laughed also. "History was never my good subject."

"Well this is why I'm helping you silly goose," he laughed.

"Wow, another nickname for me?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yeah, since it fits a cute girl sitting right next me," he said, and I instantly began to feel myself blushing. I looked away smiling, but he probably saw me blushing anyways.

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