Chapter 23

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A few weeks have passed, and it was now finally the day I was gunna meet my birth mom. I'm pretty nervous for it to be honest, cause I have no idea who she really is, and what could ever happen.

But from what my mom has explained to me, she seems like a really sweet person. As for all I know, I'll just have to see once we finally meet. My mom also called her, so she already knows that I'm coming by today. I also wanted Ethan to come, and of course, Grayson had to come by also.

Grayson and I are still on and off with each other. Sometimes, he can act nice to me and be in my good side as a friend, but sometimes he always has to act the other way around. He also still likes me as of now, which I can't control any of them over. I still don't like how he still has them for me, cause I don't really have the same for him back...

I still feel bad for them though, cause I wouldn't blame him if I was in his shoes. I just hope he would see past me and some point...

Anyways, the three of us had said our final goodbyes to my mom back home, and we were all heading down to San Diego. My mom had also given us the directions to her house too.

Ethan was driving us down there, and I called shotgun, while Grayson was in the back. We basically just blasted some songs throughout the whole ride, which took my mind off about my nervousness.

But on the other hand, I did feel nervous every time I thought about meeting her. I don't even know what she looks like first of all, so that's one thing I definitely don't know. She could even be some stranger who's not even my real mother... I had all these thoughts and questions about what could happen.

My thoughts about all that had gotten interrupted once I felt Ethan intertwine his fingers with mine. I looked up to him smiling, which caused me to smile also. "Everything will be fine," he told me with that comfortable smile of his. I just smiled, believing his words.

It was until we both heard a gagging sound, and I definitely knew it was Grayson in the back feeling disgusted with us. "Can you save that stuff on your own time and not in front of me," I heard Grayson say in disgust.

Ethan and I looked over at him annoyed, cause he always has to ruin the moment, especially now. I just ignored him, and for the rest of the ride. I didn't really want him to tag along anyway, but I guess I'll just have to deal with it the rest of the day.

After about a 2 hour ride, the scenery started to look a bit different. We were finally in San Diego, and the directions started taking us towards the beach area. It looked really nice down here, since most of the beach houses here were right in front of the beach, and the beaches were looked pretty nice.

With all my thinking, Ethan stopped the car on the side of the road, right in front of a beach house. "Is this it?" I asked him.

"Yup," he nodded. I looked out towards the house, and it was actually pretty decorative. It looked like a pretty big house, and it seemed nice since she lives in front of a beach. "Are you ready to go or do you wanna wait?" I heard Ethan ask me.

"I'm ready," I told him trying to provide a smile. He smiled also, and the rest of us started heading out of the car. We soon all met each other on my side, and I grabbed Ethan's hand as we started walking up to the front door and ho Grayson was following behind us.

We slowly walked up to the front door, and I slowly pressed the doorbell. We all waited there for a few moments, and I tried taking my thoughts away from my nervousness by hearing the waves crash from the beach not too far away from us.

Soon enough, the door opened, revealing a middle aged lady. She instantly had a shocked look on her face, and her eyes wouldn't leave my presence.

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