Chapter 31

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I've finally decided what I'm going to do. It was now the next day, and I hoped on going to Ethan's house to talk to him about everything.

I basically just threw on some sweatpants along with a zip-up sweatshirt, and I matched it with my black vans. I just fixed up my hair in its wavy style, and I didn't care to put on makeup.

It was only a little past noon, and I decided on heading out. My mom was out at work, so I just took the other car that was here. I started driving off to his house, hoping he's there.

All I kept thinking about was what I was gunna talk to Ethan about, and I think it would be good news for him, since what it is is what I think will be best for me.

With all my thoughts, I ended up parking right in front of their house. I have to admit I'm a little nervous to talk to him in case if things go wrong... But I doubt it.

I then took my keys out, walking up to their front door. I rang the doorbell as I stood their for a few moments, still feeling a little nervous.

Soon enough, the door opened revealing Grayson, which made me even more nervous at this point. He was even shirtless and only wearing gym shorts, which was making my feelings right now go over the roof.

I noticed he looked a little surprised to see me, but I guess I was kinda zoning out just staring at his toned abs and his perfect v-line, getting some pretty bad thoughts in my mind.

"Bree?" he asked, probably for like the fifth time.

I shook my head trying to get back into reality, saying, "O-Oh, um, y-yeah," I stuttered, feeling even more nervous since I'm making a fool out of myself. "Hey Grayson."

"Hey," he smiled. It caused me to do the same, and I tried my best hiding my blushing. "What's up?" he asked as he leaned over the doorframe, still giving me that feeling.

I finally tried brushing all that off, and focus on what I'm mainly here for. "I came by to see if I can talk to Ethan," I told him. "But I feel like I interrupted you on something."

"Oh, I was just working out, but I don't mind if it's you that interrupted me," he smiled once again, and I looked away hiding my smile. "But anyways, Ethan's out with my mom helping her with errands to do. So he's not here."

"That's fine," I said feeling a little down, since I'm kinda desperate to talk to him. "I just wanted to talk to him about everything that's happened."

"I can let him know that you stopped by when he gets home," he told me.

"That's great," I smiled a little, and he did the same. I was about to say my goodbyes to him and walk back to my car, but a thought then came to my head.

I turned around towards my car, but I then turned back towards Grayson who would not keep his eyes off me. I then asked, "You remember when you asked me about going to the pier with you not too long ago?"

He stared right into my eyes, and I noticed he looked more intrigued with what I'm talking about. "Yeah, what about it?" he asked me.

"I'll go with you to it," I told him with a slight smile. "We can go tonight if you want, and if you're not busy."

"I'd love to go, I'm not busy," he told me as a small smile started to form on his face. I instantly did the same, and we finally agreed. "I can pick you up at 7."

"That's perfect," I replied, and we both smiled towards each other, which got me that feeling between us once again. We then finally said our goodbyes, and I went back to my car heading home, just thinking about what tonight will bring.

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