Chapter 28

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It's been a couple more days ever since I've broken up with Ethan, and I'm still dreading it. He still annoys be about starting over and to get back together, but he's starting to go over the edge, which will make me burst sooner or later.

I'm basically over it, but somewhat not. I still miss him, but I can't see him as what we were before since he hurt me. I don't wanna be with someone who would betray me like what he did.

Anyways, I woke up this morning literally rolling out of bed. I just wore some joggers and a cute sweatshirt from Pink, and I wore my converse.

I did my hair in its natural style, which was just wavy. I also did my makeup, but only mascara since I was too lazy to make myself more like a potato.

I was then heading out of my house with my phone in my hands and my bag over my shoulder. I decided to drive to school today, since it's basically been my only choice to get to school.

I was then driving to the school, trying to get the thoughts of me and Ethan when we were together. To be honest, I miss having a boyfriend like Ethan. But like I said, I can't go through something like that again.

Soon enough, I finally parked my car in the student parking lot, getting out and heading to my locker. Once I finally did, I put in my combination, and I took out the books I needed.

As I was, the bell rang indicating that we have to go to first period. I groaned to myself as I closed my locker, cause I instantly remembered that I have math with Ethan first period.

That's another thing that I forgot to mention, was that Ethan mostly bugs me in math class because we have that class together. I kinda wish I could switch out of that class so I could avoid him.

But nope, I have to keep dealing with Ethan and him trying to say his sorrys for me ever since we've broken up.

With all my thoughts, I finally wandered over into that class. I was one of the last ones to enter the class since there were only a couple people behind me, and the teacher was taking attendance.

But my eyes instantly landed on Ethan, who I knew was staring right back at me with a sorrowful look. I instantly looked away, sadly walking over to my seat which was right next to him.

I tried not looking over towards him, but as I took one glance, I noticed he kept looking at me and was about to say something. But he had gotten interrupted by the teacher talking, thank goodness.

She started off the class by talking to us about some boring lesson, something I didn't pay attention to. I literally just laid my head on my desk, about to fall asleep.

It was until I felt someone trying to push a piece of paper under my arms were I laid my head. I opened up my eyes, and lifted up my head to seeing the teacher look a bit angry.

"Sleep again during my class Miss Hudson and you owe me two nights detention," she eyed me a bit sternly. She then walked away, passing out the rest of the papers where I rolled my eyes.

I don't understand why I always end up getting put up for detentions at this school ever since I've moved here... That's how much I miss my real home in Florida. And even wishing to be with my birth mother right now.

"Alright class, so I gave you your work for today, which you will need to work with a partner," the teacher said as she made it in front of the classroom. "Which will be the person sitting right next to."

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