Chapter 22

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It was now finally the day of the bonfire party at the beach Ethan was telling me about, and I was pretty excited to go. Mainly so I can put all this stress off of me for once...

My mom even told me more about my birth mom, and more on how she lives close by in San Diego. I'm really planning on meeting her soon finally.

Anyways, it was about 7 o'clock, when Ethan said he was picking me up. I was finishing up getting ready, and I think I looked pretty presentable for it.

I was wearing dark ripped skinny jeans, along with a cute muscle top, matched with some black vans. I also straightened my hair, and did my makeup a bit.

It was until I heard the doorbell ring, which took me away from my thoughts. I then quickly put on some extra perfume to myself, and grabbed my phone.

I was then making my way downstairs, where I met Ethan talking to my mom. Once I made it down, all their eyes were on me. I smiled a bit to myself, since it kinda feels like an awkward situation with all the attention.

"Awe look how beautiful you look," my mom smiled.

"I agree," I heard Ethan add, and I looked over towards him to seeing him stare at me in awe. I instantly blushed, and I smiled as I walked over towards them. Once I made it over towards Ethan, I grabbed a hold of his hand.

"So what time would be good to bring her home?" I heard Ethan ask. He seems so cute acting like a gentleman, and I even smiled to myself.

"Anytime honey," my mom said, and I was a bit surprised at her response. "Just before midnight would be good."

I stood there a bit shocked, since my mom was never this chill with any boyfriend I had. "I'll keep an eye on the time," Ethan replied with a smile, and I even saw his smile turn a little into a smirk.

"Bye mom," I waved to her with a smile, and I even gave a kiss on her cheek. We started walking out and saying our final goodbyes, as my mom added, "Goodbye kids! Have fun and be safe!"

We gave her a final wave as we made it to Ethan's car. Ethan even opened the car door for me, and I thanked him with a smile. He then went over to his side, and started to drive off.

We started driving with the radio playing music on a low volume, and Ethan and I started talking about random things. "I'm surprised my mom wants me home by midnight," I laughed, and I saw him do the same.

"I could say the same thing," he laughed, and I smiled. I then felt him grab my hand, and kiss the top of it. I smiled as he did that, and I saw him glance over towards me with a smirk.

He always has to act like a charmer with me, and tease me too. But I love it, so I'm not complaining. He can always do little things to make me feel safe with him also.

After about 20 minutes, Ethan pulled up to the parking lot of the beach where the party is held. There were a lot of cars here, I had to admit. Soon enough, Ethan did find a spot to park, and we got out.

We met each other in the front of the car, and I felt him kiss the top of my head as I grabbed a hold of his hand. We then started to walk along the path where the party was.

You could even hear the music from the parking lot, and it got even louder as we walked closer to it. As we did, there were so much bonfires along this part of the beach, where I think was a private beach since there were fences around this big area.

We both started walking around hand in hand to find our friends. Once we soon found them, we all started greeting each other and talking. I really feel like I haven't hung around them in a while since I was piled with so much stress and stuff.

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