Chapter 17

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Things finally cleared up with that rumor Bradley spread about me and Ethan. She did try to do some other stuff to drag us down, but it didn't really get that far.

I honestly don't care anyway, cause it doesn't affect me at all. I just look past it and past her, cause anything she does can drag my confidence down about anything.

Ethan and I are also still going on great. We've been going out more, which is actually making me fall for him endlessly.

It's like it's a never ending thing we have. I really do feel like we'll last long with what we have, at least I believe it will happen. I don't think anything else can happen for it to go downhill.

Anyways, it was another normal school day. It was third period, and I had gym class at the moment. I wasn't really into it, since I always never change.

But when I do actually wanna participate, I just put sweatpants over my jeans cause I'm a lazy potato. But since it's actually a pretty hot one today, I literally had to change my clothes, sadly.

I changed into some gym shorts, and some random t-shirt that I usually just wear to bed. Along with it, I wore some sneakers.

I then headed out to the gymnasium as the gym teacher started taking attendance and seeing who's changed.

As I was leaning against the wall just staring into random space, I felt the gym teacher walking up to me with his clipboard.

"Nice to see that you actually took pride to change Miss Hudson," the gym teacher said, looking a bit satisfied.

"Anything to get that passing grade Mister," I told him with an awkward smile. Some of these teachers in this school can act kinda chill, honestly rude, or just straight up awkward.

He then started walking away checking the other students if they're changed. I was just staring out into space, as I noticed some other students coming into the gym that aren't changed.

They started coming towards our direction of the gym, and one of the students I happen to notice was Grayson, and I saw that he wouldn't keep his eyes off of me.

I looked away so it was awkward with that tension of us staring, and I was wondering why this group, especially Grayson was coming over here.

To be honest, Grayson hasn't really done anything to me lately to irritate me and piss me off. But I still know that he is who he is, and I don't want to be in good terms with him.

Soon enough, the gym teacher started off by saying, "All right class. The health class is coming into our class today since their teacher is out and has no sub to cover for them," he explained. "So grab a ball, a partner, and start a game."

I groaned, since I know no one in this class and I have to play a volleyball game with them. That's another reason why I don't change a lot for gym.

I used to play volleyball back home in Florida with Nina, and we were actually on a team throughout middle school and high school.

But ever since I moved, I haven't been in the mood to do any sports lately, mainly since I did basically every sport with Nina, and doing these kinda things without her isn't the same as before.

I was soon brought out if my thoughts once I saw a tall figure standing right in front of me with a volleyball. My eyes looked up to seeing Grayson, no figure.

"Wanna play?" he asked.

"I knew I should have not changed," I said under my breath.

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