Chapter 29

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Ethan's POV

I've been honestly so broken since Bree broke up with me. I hate myself so much for hurting her like that, since she completely hates me for what I did to her.

I really believe that I can't win her back or even start over with her, since Bree really wants nothing to do with me. I feel so guilty and horrible for making that choice on betraying her.

I just wish I could start over on everything with her, but it seems like Bree doesn't want to all all... It sucks cause I do love her, but it seems as though she might not feel the same back as to what happened...

I hate being in this position. Being the person who has the best thing in the world turn against you... Let alone having everything fall all on top of you.

The things with Bree, the things with Bradley, and even the things with Grayson have been stressing me out so much over what's happened.

"Eth, you ready to go?" Grayson asked me as he was swinging the car keys. I was sitting on the island eating a bowl of cereal, almost finishing it.

It was another day of school, aka another day of dreading myself to go cause I'll see Bree there. It's only been a couple weeks since we've broken up, and I still can't get over all of it...

I didn't reply to Gray, as he added, "We need to go soon or else we'll be late." I still ignored him as I took my last bite, and I started to head to the sink to put my bowl in there.

As I turned around, I found Grayson right in front of me looking a bit hopeless. "I know you're still not feeling well over Bree, but you need to at least try to look past her."

"How can I? She's all over my mind," I told him. Grayson didn't say anything, but stare at me.

"I just can't get over her Gray... I feel so bad for what I did and she hates me. And she doesn't wanna start over with me either. It's like she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore..."

I stared down towards the ground, trying to hold back a couple tears. I've cried my eyes out ever since that day happened, and it seems as though I still have those tears inside me.

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, and I took my head up to stare right at Grayson. "I know it's hard Ethan," he said. "But you can't mope around trying to change things back to the way they were. What you did happened in the past, and you can't change it."

"But you can try to live in the now, trying to at least make a change in between you guys. And it all starts with you being positive," he explained."You can't act negative to try and change things, cause it might just make things worse."

"I know that Bree can play hard to get, or hard to forget I should say, but she will come around. I promise you," he finished. I could see the trustworthiness in his eyes, taking in his words.

I know that he still has his feelings for Bree, but he is still a good brother to help me through things like this. He at least cares for me during all of this, and wants to help me with all of it.

He is right though. I believe that Bree might eventually come around, and we could finally start over on everything. I don't care if we get back together, or just end off as friends, but I really don't like being in this position with her.

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