Chapter 52

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I was now walking back into school, catching everyone's attention. Everyone's eyes were glued on me, with their jaws dropping. They were even whispering to their friends also.

I was surprised no one has attacked me yet, and that not everyone was laughing at me. But it's still good, since I got all of their attention.

I even smirked a little to myself, since the plan Ethan, Grayson, and I had created is working so far. I even felt the how strong and brave I was walking down these halls, let alone feeling pretty confident.

Once I soon spotted Ethan and Grayson with their group of friends, I started to make my way over towards them. I saw them smiling towards me, and their friends looking pretty shocked like the rest of the students here.

I closer towards Grayson, and I felt him kiss the side of my head as he held onto my waist. I even felt Ethan right next to me rest his arm on my shoulder, and I smiled to myself at the affection their giving me.

The rest of their friends looked surprised still to see me, and I greeted all of them. "Woah Bree, you're back," one of their friends said.

"Yep, that's right," I giggled, still smirking a little.

"It's been so crazy since you left," another friend called out.

"Yeah, things began to change after that," someone else told me. I then felt a little nervous inside at what they've told me, but I think I can get through it.

"Well, I guess it's my job to fix up this mess," I stated, and everyone around me started to cheer. I guess they knew that I could get through with this, which I believe I can.

I even smiled over towards Ethan and Grayson, who knew I had it in me. It seems as though this plan is already beginning to work. I finally got everyone attention here, and now all I have to do it confront the girl herself.


It was now finally lunch, and I started making my way to a table along with Ethan and Grayson. We both sat down with me in between them, and a few of their friends say along with us.

We all began talking about something random, and we even started to tell their friends about what I'm planning to do. Their friends all agreed that our plan will work, and I honestly hope it will.

Once everyone began to have their own separate conversations, Grayson began to ask me something. "You know, we haven't had a date in a while," he told me with a slight smirk.

I giggled, saying, "Let me guess, you wanna take me on one?" I saw him nod with one of his adorable smiles, which always gets to me.

"Yeah, but this date is a lot more important than any other date to me," he explained.

"Can you at least tell me something about it?" I asked him. "I don't need another surprise," I said sternly, but that obviously failed.

We both laughed towards each other, as Grayson replied, "Okay fine. It's like a picnic date. Are you satisfied?"

"Yes!" I told him a bit excitedly. "I'd love to go with you. It seems pretty fun."

"Perfect," he said with a smile, and I did the same. I then leaned in to connect my lips with his, and I felt him kiss me back. But we soon pulled away afterwards, and one of Grayson's friends was trying to get my attention.

After he did, he suddenly began to point in back of me. I turned around to seeing Bradley herself. She then looked over towards me with one of her stupid smirks, and she even started walking over towards us.

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