Chapter 38

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Bree's POV

Grayson and I spent the rest of the night at his family's lake house, and it was honestly so fun. Especially spending it with the person I care a lot for the most.

I was really true about when I said to Grayson that I love him, and that I'm in love with him.

He even said it to me first, which means it must be true that he really does love me.

I just think it's kinda crazy to be where I am with him. I never knew I could fall for a boy as much I have for him, and to actually be in love with him, while having him feel the exact same.

Anyways, we all had to head back to school a few days after. I wasn't really willing to go since I hate going back after so long, but I got through it all anyway.

Once the school day was finally over, I decided to hang over Grayson's house, and he didn't mind at all.

We met up after school, and rode to his house along with Ethan.

I've noticed that Ethan seems kinda down since Nina left, and I kinda feel bad. Mainly since he still means a lot to me, and I care about him.

I guess what he feels for Nina is a lot more than what I thought it would be.

But anyways, we went our separate ways with him once we made it to their home.

We set our bags in the corner, and my eyes met Grayson's as I did.

"So you have no homework right?" he asked me.

"Nope," I told him with a slight smile, grabbing his hand.

I noticed a smile form on his face as I did that, as he replied, "Good. Maybe we can head in the pool for a little?"

He stared at me searching for an answer, while I just sighed.

I've also forgot to mention that I'm currently on my period.

I know all the things that go on when a girl gets it, and how it's kinda a tough thing to go through.

But it's life, and every girl gets it at some point.

"Hold on, what's wrong?" he said confused, coming a little closer to me.

I kinda don't know how to tell him that I'm on my period, since guys get all uncomfortable when they hear about it.

"I'm uh... On my monthly... If you know what I mean..." I said with an uneasy smile.

He stood their looking even more confused in my response, but he soon snapped back into reality looking a little shocked once he realized what I meant.

"Oh..." he said a little awkwardly, just what I thought. "It's that time of the month I see," he added, and we both awkwardly laughed.

I mean, I could go in the water. Unless he wants to see a bloody Niagara Falls, then I suggest that I shouldn't go in then.

"Yeah..." I said with an awkward laugh.

I honestly didn't even know how to speak about this right now.

"Well, then we won't go in the water. We can do something else," he told me. "We can watch a movie?" he said in more of a question, and I instantly agreed.

"Yeah!" I said with a brighter smile, and he just laughed.

We then walked over into the living room hand in hand, and we both sat close together on the couch.

He started to pull up Netflix, and search for a movie.

After a few minutes, I noticed him pulling up The Notebook. "Really?" I laughed. "This movie?"

"Why not?" he defended with a laugh. "This is a good movie."

"It seems like you're trying to make me emotional and cry with your movie choice," I joked, and we both laughed once again.

"Well, I know a lot of girls like this movie when they're on their period," he told me.

He's not lying about that.

"You're so cute," I cooed, laughing at how he's acting.

I saw him blush a little, trying to hide his smile, and I couldn't help but admire even more about how adorable he is.

Soon enough, Grayson started to play this movie. We began to watch it as it began playing out, and I snuggled up even more in his arms that were wrapped around me.

I had to admit, my hormones were getting a little higher as I kept watching this movie, and feeling myself a little emotional.

I hate getting this feeling when it's that time of the month for me.

By the time we were getting to about halfway of the movie, I began to feel my stomach hurting.

Most likely meaning cramps...

I began to lean my head on Gray's chest, rubbing my temples a little bit.

I noticed him flinch a little, and I heard him asked, "Baby, you okay?"

I lifted my head up a little, having my eyes meet his.

"Are you about to cry cause of the movie?" he added, and we both laughed a little at his comment.

"No," I giggled a little. "It's just that I'm starting to get cramps, and it kinda hurts a lot."

He looked a little more concerned, wanting to help. "Here, let me help you," he assured me.

I was a little confused at what he was gunna do, until I felt his warm hand go under my shirt, rubbing my stomach.

We both smiled towards each other, feeling less pain from the cramps as he did that. I just love how much he cares for me.

Even in tough and awkward situations like I am in, he still find a perfect way to comfort and care for me, which I adore.

"I love you," I told him with a smile.

"I love you more," he said to me, and we were then still both smiling towards each other.

I suddenly began to feel my lips crash onto his, feeling him kiss me back.

He kissed me back so passionately, getting that feeling like I always do.

I kissed him back for a couple more moments, until we both pulled away un-expectingly.

We suddenly heard someone gasping near us, and Grayson and I looked over to seeing Ethan nearby.

"Ahh!" Ethan called out. "My virgin eyes!" he said covering his eyes.

I began to start laughing at what he just said and how he's acting, while I noticed Grayson rolling his eyes and not laughing as much as I am.

"Shut the hell up Ethan, we all know you ain't a virgin," Grayson said to him.

I then laughed a little more at Grayson's comment, since it's true.

Thank goodness those days are over.

Ethan then walked over to us rolling his eyes, sitting right next to me on the couch.

"Ooh, watcha watching?" he said looking interested in the movie.

"The Notebook," Grayson told him.

"Oh hell yeah, that's my movie!" Ethan added with so much excitement, and I laughed once again. "I'll watch it with you guys."

"What's with you two idiots obsessing over The Notebook?" I asked them with a laugh. "I thought it was just a girl thing."

"Not everything can be a girl thing, Bree," Ethan said to me.

"And this movie always makes me and Eth cry," Grayson added, and I couldn't help but laugh at all of what they're telling me.

Even when I'm feeling low on days like today, these two people can always bring my hopes up.

I can always count on a funny best friend like Ethan, and an amazing boyfriend like Grayson.

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