Chapter 14

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Life has been absolutely perfect ever since Ethan and I started dating. I really hope we'll last for a pretty long time, and not just be those couples who date for a few weeks.

I really feel like we'll last long because we have the same amount of feelings for each other. I can really tell that he does feel something with me.

We've been hanging out a lot more lately, and I really think we're getting even more closer together in our relationship, which is great.

Today, we both decided on hanging over his house. He met me at my locker, and we soon went over his house in his car.

But we did have to drive Grayson back home also, which I kinda didn't mind. He did pretty much annoy me during the ride, like he's been doing ever since we've met.

But for some reason, he's been getting more on my nerves lately since Ethan and I just started dating. Hopefully he'll soon leave us alone, or more like leaving me alone.

Once we finally made it to their house, I couldn't help but admire how amazing it looked from the outside. It was pretty big with a huge backyard, and they even had a large in-ground pool in the back.

As we entered his home, I couldn't stop looking at the inside either. It was very nicely decorated, unlike my home. It looked so nice and cozy in this home.

My thoughts about this got interrupted once I saw a lady coming towards me with a smile, whom I'm assuming is their mother.

"Hi, I'm Lisa, Ethan and Grayson's mom," she greeted with a comfortable smile. "You must be Bree, right?"

"Yeah, I'm Bree," I smiled, shaking her hand. "It's nice to meet you."

We soon pulled our hands away, as she replied, "It's nice to meet you too. Ethan's been telling me so much about you, especially about how you guys are together."

I didn't really know what to say, but I instantly felt myself smiling and blushing.

"Alright mom," I heard Ethan say, mainly in a tone for her to stop talking.

I giggled a little, and Lisa asked, "Would you guys like a snack? I can fix you guys something up."

"No-" I heard Ethan say, but I cut him off.

"Sure!" I told her with a smile.

"Okay! Just follow me into the kitchen honey," Lisa said, and she was already walking into the kitchen.

I started to follow behind her, but I did give a smirk towards Ethan as I did. He of course laughed, which caused me to do the same.

As soon as I made it into the kitchen, Lisa handed me a plate of cookies. I took one, and thanked her. She then started to talk to me about them, but also about me.

Their mom seems to be really sweet, and I love her already. It's good, cause it shows that she approves of me.

Soon enough, Ethan broke out conversation away. "Bree and I got homework to work on," Ethan interrupted.

"Oh right! I should let you guys go," Lisa said. "It was really nice talking to you sweetie."

"You too," I told her with a smile, as she was starting to leave the kitchen. As soon as she did, I turned towards Ethan. "Anymore family members I can meet?" I asked him.

"Well yeah like my dad and my sister, but they're not here," he chuckled. "But why do you say that? So you can find a way to stay away from me?"

"Well... Maybe..." I smirked. He then put his hand over his heart, letting out a gasp. "I'm just kidding," I laughed as I put my arms around his neck. "I love spending time with you."

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