Chapter 5

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Bree's POV

It was now the next day of school, and the day was going by pretty fast today. I was currently walking into my math class, right before lunch.

I went into the usual seat I sit at, which was the seat I first sat at on my first day. More and more students began piling into the classroom, one of them happening to be Ethan.

He started walking over to the desk next to mine, where he has sat ever since I've met him. He flashed me a smile as he sat down in his seat, and I flashed one back to him. 

Once the final students came into the classroom, our teacher began to start another boring lesson once again. We had to take notes and all of that, but I didn't really take that much notes since what we're doing is easy.

I even felt like I could feel Ethan's eyes on me the whole time during that lesson... I don't know why, but I still got that weird feeling in my stomach. Yet, I kinda liked that feeling.

Soon after more endless minutes passed, she finally finished her lesson, and began to hand out a worksheet for us to work on.

As she was coming over towards the side where Ethan and I were sitting, Ethan began to ask, "Can we work with partners on this?"

Our teacher handed him his worksheet, she replied, "As long as you stay on task, then yes. You can work in partners."

The teacher finally handed me my work sheet as other students were moving desks, and she finally went back to her desk.

As I was writing my name on top of the paper, I heard Ethan move his desk right next to mine. I looked at him as he said, "Hey partner."

I giggled a little to myself since I thought of a cowboy when he said that. "Who said I was your partner?" I asked him with a slight smirk. As you can tell by now, I love teasing people. Especially cute guys.

I heard him let out a small chuckle, and answer, "No one, I just wanted to work with you." I even saw him smirk after he said that, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

I could even feel those butterflies form in my stomach. Does this mean that I might like him?

No, it can't. I just met him only a few weeks ago, and I don't know that much about him. But yet, he is one of the only people I've made a friend at this school.

He's honestly super nice and caring, and definitely not to mention insanely attractive...

Who knows, maybe I do feel like that for him. Or maybe I don't... But I could always see later on in the future if I actually do feel like that about him.

"Awe, that's sweet of you," I laughed, and so did he.

"It's because I'm a sweet person," I heard him say. I saw him smirk a little, and we just laughed.

"Anyways," I told him dialing down my laughs. "We should work on this." I even added, "And I'm not doing all the work."

I heard him groan, and I laughed a little. "Okay, I'll do the first few problems and you do the last few."

I agreed, and we started working the problems we decided to do. But we did also started to get a little off task and talk about random things.

We started taking a longer break than doing our actual work. We were sharing funny stories that we've had in our lives, and I felt like I got to knew him better.

As I was in the middle of telling a story I had back in Florida with Nina, I had gotten interrupted by the teacher standing by our desks, and clearing her throat.

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