Chapter 25

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A/N: Long AF chapter! You've been warned ⚠️🙅🏽

It was now another Saturday night of doing nothing. Ethan and I have also planned on hanging out together tonight, but he actually wanted to go out and do something instead of staying inside.

Somehow, he managed to persuade me into going to that get together thing that Bradley invited us to... I didn't wanna go to it and I even hesitated on it. But I mean, if we just ignore Bradley there, then she probably won't start anything with me.

Ethan even double checked on me to see if I really wanted to go, and I made sure that he knew that I did. Who knows, it's Bradley we're talking about, so it's probably not a little get together with a few friends, as to what she told me.

I decided on wearing skinny ripped jeans, along with a cute v-neck, with a dark green varsity jacket. I also matched it along with my black boots, which have bit of a heel to it.

I even did my makeup a bit, but not too much. I also curled my hair some more, since it's not that curly. I then finally checked myself out in the mirror, and I think I looked pretty presentable for it.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard my phone go off. I took it out of my back pocket, seeing a text message across my screen from Ethan. I smiled at his text, which he said he was here.

I then finally added some extra perfume to myself, and headed downstairs. I met my mom down there doing some stuff for work, and I started to tell her about where I'm heading out to.

"Be careful!" she told me, giving me a hug and a kiss on my cheek. "And let Ethan know that I want you home by midnight."

I pulled away from the hug, smiling towards her as she did the same. "I'll tell him." We soon said our final goodbyes, and I was making my way outside the front door.

I started to head towards Ethan's car, where I noticed Grayson in the front seat. I just decided to sit in the back, and I was both greeted by them. I even kissed Ethan on his cheek as I got in the car, and Grayson was obviously disgusted by it, of course.

"Are you still sure about going over to her place?" Ethan asked turning his head towards me, looking a bit nervous for my response.

"I'm sure," I told him with a slight smile. Grayson just ignored us, and I saw Ethan nod. He then started driving off, and Grayson started putting on Drake on the radio.

We even started singing along to the lyrics to a couple of his songs, and it was already getting me in the mood. But after about 15 minutes, Ethan started to pull into a street piled with cars parked on the street.

"Well, this is it," Ethan said. "Small get to together, am I right?" Grayson and I laughed at his joke, and we started heading out of the car. Once we met on the same side, Ethan intertwined our fingers, and we both smiled towards each other.

The three of us then started heading towards Bradley's house, and once we did, I wasn't surprised to see how big it was. It was huge I had to admit, and you could even hear the music blasting loudly outside the home.

The front door was also open, and the three of us started to enter it. It was then packed with people from our school here, and many I couldn't even recognize. We then started to get past the sweaty dancing people, and we soon made it into the kitchen.

We also met a couple of our friends here, and we all greeted each other. But I soon noticed Ethan pouring himself a drink, along with Grayson, and I knew it was alcohol.

I quickly headed over to them, saying, "Please be careful about this," I said, gesturing towards their red solo cups.

"It's just a party," Grayson said walking away. "Loosen up a little."

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