Chapter 47

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It's only been a few days since that incident happened with me at that party Jacob invited me to, and I haven't seen him since that. I still can't even believe that I fell for what he hoped for.

I've been a wreck ever since then, and I haven't been doing much. I been pretty much emotional this whole time, and I have been letting out a few sobs here and then.

My birth mom even tried getting me out the house to change my mood and very thing, which sorta worked. I liked going out with her, but I still felt like that inside me, and I even think my mom noticed.

I was still bitter over what Jacob did to me, but I'm also still sad over how much I miss everyone back home. Especially Grayson.

It was now another night time in San Diego, and the sun was just setting outside, which made the sky look beautiful. I then decided to take a walk outside, just to clear my mind.

I walked out of my birth moms home, wearing some comfortable and causal clothes that I threw on earlier. I was then finally walking along the boardwalk, just thinking about everything.

I started to think about everyone at home, like my mother, Ethan, Grayson, and even Nina. I just wish I could reunite with them again, but I honestly don't know when that'll ever happen...

I suddenly began thinking about Grayson, really wishing he was here with me right now. I've never been this homesick and saddened over how much I miss these people, especially him.

It's just whenever I'm with him, I feel so much better. He puts me in a much better mood, and I don't feel any type of bad emotion ever. He always sparks a smile on my face that can never leave, and I'm so thankful for what he does to me.

Not only me, he must be feeling the same way I feel right now, knowing how he was feeling before I left for San Diego not too long ago. I forgot that he was really emotional that day, so he must be going through a lot also.

If only we were ever together right now, everything would be a lot better between us...

I was really getting into my thoughts just then, since all of the sudden, I had gotten pulled back into reality. I suddenly felt someone's hands go over my eyes, which caused me to stop dead in my tracks where I was walking.

I got a little nervous for a second, since this was so un-expecting. Until someone called out, "Guess who."

I could hear that voice from anywhere, even miles away. A smile instantly began to break out onto my face once I realized who it was, and I felt so insanely happy inside.

I then began to turn around as their hands were away from my eyes, and I turned around with a smile, seeing the perfect person I only want to be with right now.

"Grayson!" I squealed with so much excitement, while he had the most biggest smile on his face since he sees me.

I then instantly brought him into a huge hug, with my arms around his neck and my head laying against his shoulder. I even felt him quickly hug me back, with his hands resting at my waist.

It still gave me the chills from his touch, which I missed so much. This hug was one that felt like I haven't seen him in forever, and it has honestly been forever since I've seen him in person.

I missed his touch, I missed his scent, I missed everything about him. I just missed him. "Bree," I heard him say my name, and it gave me the chills once again

I could not stop smiling at this moment, with him doing the same, not even believing this is true. I still can't believe he's actually here with me.

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