Chapter 9

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It was now another day of school, sadly. I'm starting to know everything about this new school, which is good. I know where everything is, and I basically know the people of it too.

I was currently at my locker putting away some books that I didn't need for my classes today. As I finished grabbing a few books, I closed my locker, and I was surprised to see the person behind my locker door.

Ethan was standing there, leaning against the lockers next to mine. I even gasped, cause I had no clue he was right there. He even started laughing because of it, and he sounded so adorable.

"I had no clue you were right there," I told him catching my breath, but also laughing too.

"That was the point," he laughed, but also smirked. I rolled my eyes, but I still let out a few more laughs.

"Anyways, what's up with you following me?" I joked, and we both laughed.

"I wanted to find you to tell you about a little party I'm having with a few friends," he explained to me. "And I wanna invite you to it."

"Awe really?" I asked him. I never really been invited to parties back home in Florida. I'm a loner binge watching shows on Netflix and eating everything in the house, am I right?

"Yeah," he told me with his alluring smile, and it still got to me. "It's on my family's boat at our lake house, so you'd have to wear a bathing suit if that's alright with you."

It's so nice that I'm being invited to a party. I can at least get out some more, which is good living in a new place. And plus I wouldn't mind going to a cute boys party...

"That sounds fun!" I told him with an exciting smile, and he smiled also. "I'd love to go."

"That's great," he smiled lightly. "It's this Saturday around 2 o'clock. I can even pick you up if you want."

"Sounds like a plan to me," I said with my lips curving into a smirk almost. He was even doing the same also, and it was basically just us staring at each other in amazement for a few seconds.

"Didn't mean to overhear," I heard a familiar voice say coming closer to us, which broke away our contact. "But I heard you're having a party this weekend."

Bradley was now in our little group, and she was leaning up on Ethan's side. I saw that Ethan looked disgusted, and tried pulling out of her grasp. He soon did, and she continued on.

"Sounds like an invite for me," she smirked playfully.

"You weren't even apart of this conversation to begin with, so this party doesn't concern you," I said sternly towards her, and crossing my arms.

"Well, too late," she shrugged, still having that smirk of hers.

"She's right, Bradley," Ethan told her. "This party doesn't need you there. I never even invited you in the first place."

"Oh well," she shrugged with a smirk, once again. "It won't be a party without me, right?"

She playfully giggled, which irritated me so much. She did that as she was now walking away from us, finally.

I just rolled my eyes, since she always irritates me. I even saw that Ethan was annoyed with her. "Guess I got another person coming," he said in an annoyed tone.

"Can't you just... Make her not come?" I asked, giggling a little.

"I wish, but I don't know how," he shrugged with a chuckle. "And it's too late anyway."

"Just move the party somewhere else," I suggested. "Or another time?"

"It's kinda too late for that since I already invited a lot of people," he told me. "And plus she already knows where it is, so can't really change the plans to avoid her."

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