Chapter 35

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Me and Nina decided to have a girls day today, mainly since we've hung out with Ethan and Grayson so much since she's gotten here. We spend mostly the whole day shopping, and doing a bunch of other girl stuff.

She even told me that her and Ethan had kissed the other night when we went over their house to go in their pool, aka the night when Grayson and I began to be boyfriend and girlfriend.

I was super excited and happy for her, since they seem like the real OTP for me. I would not stop talking about her and him since she told me they kissed, and I knew that she was getting embarrassed about it knowing her feelings for him.

But she thinks that they should date right away because of long distance, which is understandable. But they still want to at least keep what they have going, as in that they both like each other.

I even told Nina about what Grayson and I are, and she was super excited for me also. I'm still pretty surprised myself that we've made it this far, knowing what we've been through. But I'm absolutely happy with all of it since he makes me so happy when I'm with him.

Anyways, it was now later at night, and Ethan and Grayson invited Nina and I over to their house to binge watch some scary movies. I'm not a big fan of scary movies, but I bet it shouldn't be that bad since I'm with them.

Nina and I finally showed up, and Ethan and Grayson were both setting up the first movie to watch as we walked in. "Yay! You girls made it," Ethan called out. We both greeted them with each a hug, and I even gave a kiss on Grayson's cheek.

We both smiled after I did that, and he asked me, "Wanna help me finish making the popcorn?"

"Of course," I smiled up towards him, as he did the same. He then grabbed my hand, bringing us into the kitchen, as Nina went into the living room with Ethan.

I guess he already had some popcorn going, since the beeper went off on the microwave indicating that it's done. Grayson soon got us a bowl, and I took the popcorn bag out, pouring the popcorn into it.

As I was, Grayson asked me, "So how was my favorite girls day?" I gave a glance towards him, and we both smiled towards each other.

"It was good!" I told him. "We went to the mall, we went out to eat, we got our nails done, and a bunch of other stuff," I explained. "But it wasn't as much fun since you weren't there."

"Awe, you missed me?" he asked with that cute smile of his. I nodded my head 'yes', and I felt him pull me close and kiss my temple, which made me smile.

Once I finished pouring the popcorn in, I picked up the bowl to eat a piece of popcorn, and I gestured the bowl towards Grayson. He then took a piece, and threw it in the air. He soon caught it in his mouth, and gave me a smirk right after he did it.

"I see you trying to impress me," I said laughing.

"So what? I'm just trying to show off my skills," he said with that enticing smirk of his once again, and I just laughed. We then finally headed over to the living room hand in hand, and we both sat on the couch close together eating the popcorn.

Nina and Ethan were sitting on the other couch right next to ours, and they were sitting pretty close together also. Ethan finally started the movie since we finally showed up, and Nina asked me, "Bree, can you give us some popcorn?"

I then picked up a few pieces, throwing it over towards them. Ethan and Grayson started laughing along with me, as Nina didn't laugh as much. "Thanks for the three pieces you gave us," she added, picking up the popcorn from her lap and eating it.

I laughed once again, and I finally gave her and Ethan the bowl of popcorn. Finally, the movie really began and we all started to pay attention to it.

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