Chapter 33

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It's been a few days since Ethan and I met at the park to talk thing over. Everything's perfectly fine between us now, which I'm very thankful that it is. I'm still even surprised myself that he's still good about what I feel for his brother...

But anyways, he seems very supportive and positive about that, which I'm happy he is. I'm just glad that everything's all good now, and that him and I are really great friends.

I even told Ethan about Nina back home in Florida when we met, and he seemed very interested in her. They both have a lot of things common, not to mention a lot more in common than what I had with him.

Nina has even flown up here to visit, and she's gunna be staying up here with my family for a couple of days. I'm super happy that she is, cause I missed her so much since I left, which was a couple months ago since I last seen her in person.

We were both currently in my room right now, sitting across from each other on my bed. I started to explain to her about everything that's been going on. I started to tell her about how Ethan and I made up, and how we're great friends.

I even started to tell her about the day I went out with Grayson to the pier the other day, and how I kissed him. "You kissed him?" she said so surprised. "No way Bree!"

"I know, I know, I'm pretty slick for making that first move," I smirked, and we both laughed.

"Are you guys dating yet?" she asked, and I shook my head.

"No, but I think we will soon," I said with a sympathetic smile. "At least I hope."

"I bet you will Bree from everything from what you told me," she said. "But what about Ethan? He's definitely getting a piece of my mind once I see him."

"Nina, no! We're all good now, I told you about that," I defended.

"I know, but I still hate how he did that to you," she said sternly. "He deserves to be taught a lesson, especially from me."

I tried hiding my smile as she said that, cause I know for sure that she will definitely change her mind about Ethan once they meet. I was then interrupted once I heard my phone go off. I then took it out my pocket, revealing a text from Ethan.

Ethan: Hey, wanna hang out with me and gray? We're super bored lol

Me: Why don't you guys go workout or something knowing every time I've asked you guys to hang out you gave me that excuse

Ethan: Damn Bree don't need to get feisty 😂 But we've done that already

Me: Wow are you sure about that 🤔

Ethan: Yeah I'm definitely sure about that John Cena

I then started to burst out laughing because of what Ethan replied to me with. Knowing him, he would reply to me with some dumb, but funny video trend that's going around.

"What are you laughing at?" Nina asked giggling a little.

"Just something Ethan said to me," I said dialing down my laughs. "But you wanna go hang out with him and his brother?"

"I guess so," she shrugged. "I guess I can finally meet Ethan himself and tell him what he deserves." She seemed very serous about talking to Ethan about this, but I just laughed at how she's acting.

I then texted Ethan back saying that we can hang out, and that we can meet them at the coffee shop near my house. Nina and I were basically all ready, so we decided to head out.

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