Chapter 3

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Bree's POV

These past few days of school were pretty good so far. But yet I might be regretting it later in the year.

The works been kinda easy so far, and the new friends that I made are okay. I don't know them that much, but I know that Ethan is really nice to me, and I don't see him fitting into the rumors that flood around about him.

Jade on the other hand, she's a bit different. I kinda feel bad for her since she's quiet and doesn't have much friends.

I try to talk to her to try and be her friend, but she's kinda shy about things. Maybe if we get to know each other more, I could probably see her as being her friend.

I was currently at my locker getting the books I needed for my next class. I even messed up on the combination a few times since I didn't wanna be late for next class, but it soon opened after a few tries.

Once I finally got all my books, I closed my locker, and I was about to walk off to my next class, although I would be showing up a littler earlier than expected.

But suddenly, I was stopped by a girl looking like she was my age. She was about my height, with long chestnut blonde hair. She also had bright blue orbs, and her style was a bit over the top.

I could definitely tell what kind of social class she's on by her appearance, and I know it's not even close to mine.

"Well, well, well," she started, staring right at me. "What do we have here?"

Just by that sentence, I could definitely tell the kind of person she is, and that's someone who I don't wanna get involved with.

"Just a normal person trying to get to their normal class at a normal school," I shrugged, with a slight smile. I also tried getting by her, but two of her friends stood by her side.

"Well that class can wait a few minutes," she said plainly. "I've never seen you around here before, you new?"

"Yeah," I told her, wanting to get right by her.

"And what's this victims name?" she said with a bit of arrogance, staring down at me.

"Bree," I said a little shyly. I hate having to talk to people like her, it just makes me feel awkward and low standard.

"Well, Bree, here's some things you need to get through that head of yours since you just entered my school," she said with a lot of pride, and a slick smile on her face.

"One thing you need to know is that this is my school, Bree," she told me. "Never try underestimating me in it."

I raised an eyebrow. This girl that I had just met is this kind of person? I honestly hate dealing with people like her.

But I do have my ways of pulling myself out of situations, like dealing with someone who acts like this.

"And what so happens if I do?" I asked.

She gave me a confused glare, taking a step forward towards me. "Let's just say you don't wanna mess with a girl like me," she convinced.

I guess she doesn't wanna admit that she doesn't know what to do in bad situations to make her look bad in front of the public, I guess.

"Like I just said, what if I do?" I questioned, lightly smirking to myself since I'm like acting like this.

I saw her huff, probably cause I was getting on her nerves maybe with the way I'm playing back at her.

"If you always did, I know how to control this school," she told me, having so much superiority in herself. "I always know how to turn someone's world upside down. I have my ways." 

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