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So I know I've said this literally every time at the end of each chapter in all my fanfics... But seriously thank you y'all!!!

If I didn't have any of you readers reading my stories, I wouldn't even be here right now to thank you guys. You guys actually took time to read, vote, comment, and follow me on my stories, and it all happened from the beginning.

Frenemies was my first book to write (not counting my other cringy stories that I attempted to write before) and it got so popular and it's all thanks to you!!!

A lot of people took their time to read all my Dolan stories that I created, and I can't help but be thankful for all your comments saying how much you love the story, and how much you love my writing, and just everything else.

Cuz I'm literally just a nobody doing these fanfictions😂😂 And that's why I update almost everyday cause I have no life and I was so excited to update😂

But seriously you guys motivated me to keep writing and doing more stories than just my first book Frenemies. It got me excited to update for you guys and see how you guys reacted in the comments about it!

That concludes to me saying that this is the complete end😳😭 I've been thinking for a while that since I'm about to be a senior in high school and be in college not too long from here, schools gunna be a lot harder for me than it is now😩

So that means I don't have any other stories to create in mind🤕😭 I really wanna write more for you guys since it's so fun to write, but just thinking about it, it'll be too much😬

That's another reason why I couldn't really come up to a sequel for this story, even though I love it so much. But I really hope the epilogue made up for it😇

Also just because I'm pretty much gunna stop writing on here, I'm still gunna be active on here! I'll always check here a lot so you can always message me and all that!😌

BUT IM NEVER GUNNA LEAVE THE DOLAN FAM! Y'all are still my other family plus e and g😂💜

But I'll always be here if you need me or wanna talk! I love talking to you guys❤

Also thank you guys so much again😊
I love you guys so much!!!!☺️💜
See you all again soon🙏🏼😘

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