Chapter 46

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"What are you doing?!" I called out, almost yelling. There is no way I'm letting this happen, letting this boy I'm calling a friend kiss me, when I have someone back home.

"What?" I heard Jacob reply in confusion as he stopped leaning in. He then stood there awkwardly and confused, while I backed a little away from him, feeling a little nervous.

"You were about to kiss me," I told him, trying to calm myself down.

He then stared at me as he replied, "Yeah, I know, that's what I was aiming towards..." he said. "Did you not want me to kiss you?"

"Well... The thing is that... I actually have a boyfriend..." I said almost whispering.

I've just realized that ever since I've met Jacob, I've never mentioned him about Grayson. Maybe that's why he was about to kiss me just then, cause he probably assumed I was single.

"You what?" he said in shock, seeming also kinda angry at his response. I even noticed a furious look on his face, and I actually kinda didn't feel any sympathy for him.

"How come you never mentioned to me that you have a boyfriend?" he added. "Please tell me you're joking."

It seems like he really wants to know that I'm kidding. But I'm not... I guess he just really likes me I'm assuming...

"I-I'm not..." I said stuttering on my words, still feeling a little nervous at how he's reacting. "I've been with my boyfriend for almost a couple months now..."

I noticed Jacob start to pace around in frustration. I don't understand why he's angry about this... I know that we're sorta friends and that he apparently likes me, but we basically just met.

"I don't understand why you seem so angry," I stated. "We kinda just met since I've moved here."

"Well maybe I am angry because I like you!" he shouted, and I flinched at how he's acting. It kinda made me fear him a little bit, since he's overreacting about this situation.

"I like you Bree, and you never told me about a boyfriend in your life. I thought you were single since you never mentioned one!" he added.

"Well, I'm sorry, it just never came up I guess," I said in a low voice. "You don't need to shout at me."

"Well maybe I do!" he yelled again, and I flinched once again at how he's acting. Why is he doing this to me when it's not a big deal?

"I wouldn't even talk to you anymore after that day we met if you told me you were seeing someone," I heard him mumble under his breath.

Just by what he said, that literally caught me. I noticed him still looking angry, but now after he said that, he got me railed up.

"What did you just say?" I asked him, already feeling tense. "You wouldn't even talk to me anymore if I told you I have a boyfriend?" I asked.

He didn't answer me, but he did look straight into my eyes, looking a little surprised himself. "What a nice friend you are," I added, rolling my eyes.

"Should I even call you a friend? You let out a big important part in your life when we met," he said with attitude, rolling his eyes.

"Well maybe I was just so caught up that I finally made a friend here! I've moved several times, and every time I had, I always had trouble making friends and fitting in," I let out, feeling a little worried.

"And to think that I made peace with you that day we met? You aren't even the person I thought you were," I told him.

"Maybe you should just go back to your little ex girlfriend Julianna, since you're just like her," I added. "You're just as shallow as everyone else here."

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