Chapter 49

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It's been a few days ever since then, and they've been the greatest. Grayson is still here in San Diego with me, which I'm still absolutely happy about.

He is still trying to convince me about going back to LA, and I have been thinking about it. But I'm still not sure about it, since I have no idea how to deal with Bradley, let alone the people here.

But I am still thinking about it, which is good. I'm still deciding about going back or not, and just staying here a little bit longer with my birth mom.

Anyways, Grayson and I went out today for the day. But ever since I've told Grayson the story about the party and about Jacob, he's been literally pointing out every guy that passes by us when we go out.

I guess he is super serious about talking to Jacob about what he did to he at the party. I've been trying to let him understand that it's no big deal, but it seems like Grayson's taking this to the next level.

But today, we had both agreed to spend the day to forget about drama, at least that's what he promised each other. We didn't really do much today, other than just taking a walk in San Diego.

Since we had woken up pretty late this morning, we basically just went out to lunch to start our day. We soon found a burger place as we walked along the city, so we decided to eat there.

We had a very delicious meal, and Grayson and I ordered some milkshakes after. As a matter of fact, we ordered one bigger size milkshake for the both of us to share.

Our waiter handed us the milkshake after a few minutes, and I couldn't help but let out a giggle. "What's funny?" Grayson asked me, laughing slightly.

"I don't know," I giggled once again. "It's just that this happens in movies. Like when two people share a milkshake together."

"Guess we're just like those people in movies," Gray said letting out a small chuckle, and I just gave a smile towards him.

We soon began to take a sip from our straw, and this milkshake tasted amazing. Mainly since it's an Oreo chocolate milkshake, and it's my favorite flavor.

I even moaned in pleasure at how good this drink tasted. "What's that for?" Grayson asked a bit confused, and I even saw a slight smirk on his face.

"Nothing, this milkshake just tastes so good," I laughed, and he agreed.

"I can agree with you on that," Grayson laughed, and so did I. We then began to drink some more of the milkshake, and we both stared at each other as we then.

We then laughed a little towards each other afterwards, and I couldn't help but think about how thrilled I am at this moment. Even thought were not doing much, I still just love spending little moments with him like this.

"So, what do you think we can do after this?" I asked him after I took another sip.

"I had a good thought in mind," he replied. I then looked at him to continue, but he just stared right back at me.

I then gave him a look, asking, "Are you gunna tell me or?" I said with a few laughs, and he did also.

"Oh right," he laughed, acting dumb. "Only you," I giggled under my breath. He then finally added, "It's a surprise."

He even had a smirk on his face after he said that, and I groaned. "I hate surprises Grayson. Even your brother knows," I laughed lightly.

"But this surprise is important," he told me. "I think you'll like it?"

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