1| Damon Salvatore

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Damon had turned off his humanity switch. He's been this emotionless thing for 2 weeks. So currently everyone was trying to get him to turn it back on. Stefan is trying to catch him so we can put him in the cellar but Damon knows that's the plan so he's avoiding us really well.

You were sitting at home. Well, the boarding house. Just in case Damon decided to stop by the house. You had all the lights off so Damon would think the house was empty.

Your phone began to vibrate in your pocket and you quickly answered it.

"Y/N, need your help, at the grill. It's Damon." He said and hung up. You were already heading out the door and jumping in your car.

You sped off to the Grill. When you pulled in, there were bodies lying outside. Lovely. You pushed open the door to your car with a little more force than needed that it almost broke off.

You sped up to the door and peered in. Damon was standing on the bar. Stefan was trying to talk to him but Damon just chuckled at him and bit into the girl's neck.

You stomped in. Damon dropped the girl to the floor. A thump as she hit the hardwood. Damon looked at you and a smirk appeared. He hopped off the counter and wiped some blood off the corner of his mouth.

"Stop it, Damon. It's time to turn it back on." You said sternly. You were now right in front of him. He looked down at you. He caressed your cheek.

"Y/N, c'mon have fun with me," Damon said and slammed you into the wall and held you up by your neck.

"Damon!" Stefan warned. You shook your head at him. Damon kept a tight grip on your throat. Eventually, he dropped you and returned to drinking his bourbon.

You broke the leg off a chair. Stefan watched you carefully. Damon turned to you, a smirk present.

"Is big bad Y/N gonna kill me?" Damon taunted. You kept a cold look.

"No." You said coldly. You raised the broken chair leg and pointed it towards your own heart. Stefan was going to approach you but you gave him a warning look.

Damon took a sip of his bourbon. His eyebrow raised. You pulled it out in front of you. Damon stood up from his chair and took a step towards you.

You cocked your head and shoved it straight through your chest. Damon was by your side in an instant.

"What did you do?" He practically yelled. He caught you before you hit the floor. Fear was floating in his eyes. A smile crept onto your face and realization flashed across his.

He quickly ripped the chair leg out and pulled you close to him. You wrapped your arms around him.

"That was stupid." He mumbled into your neck.

"So was shutting off your humanity but I got you back." You with a small smile.

He pulled away from the tight grasp he had on you and attached his lips to yours and you responded quickly.

"You're insane." He said as he pulled away.

"I love you too." You said and gave him a small peck on the lips.

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