15| Klaus Mikaelson

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You left the Grill and stepped out into the chilly air. You held your leather jacket closer to you. You heard a breeze of wind next to you and you spun on your heels quickly. You knew what it was. You inched towards your car carefully. You scanned the area carefully but didn't see anything. You reached your car and got in without a problem. Maybe no one was there?

"Hello, sweetheart." A voice said behind you. You looked into the mirror to be met with the eyes of an unfamiliar man. You reached to grab your stake in your glove box but he wrapped a tight arm around your neck.

You try to pry his hands away but you had no luck. You struggled to breathe. Your vision began to fade and you saw someone approach the car. That was the last thing you saw.


You woke up to a bright light. It was blinding so you squinted. You adjusted to the bright light and noticed you were in a room. You stood up quickly and went for the door but it opened. You were met with the face of the man from your car. A smirk present on his lips.

"Going somewhere?" He asked teasingly. You didn't even bother to fight and plopped down on the couch you had woken up on. He shut the door behind him and sat on the chair across from the couch. He watched you intently.

"If Klaus brings me what I want, you live. He doesn't, well you die or I turn you. Haven't decided yet." He said and grinned at you. You had been thinking about Klaus turning you lately so turning wouldn't be a huge deal but dying? You have no interest.

"You're very pretty but I'm a little disappointed. Figured you would be better at defending yourself, but you do have Klaus and his hybrids to do everything for you." He taunted you. You said nothing. He wanted a reaction.

You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. He stood up and left the room. You knew if you tried to leave he would kill you so you stayed where you were.

After about an hour you heard yelling and banging downstairs. The man returned to the room and grabbed you by a chunk of your hair and pulled you up off the couch. You whimpered and gave a sigh as he moved from the clump of your hair to your arm. He pulled you down some stairs and there in front of a destroyed door stood a fuming Klaus.

"Give her to me." Klaus sneered. The man smirked and his grip on you tightned causing you to wince. Klaus went to take a step but a knife was placed directly to your throat. Klaus stopped instantly. The man bit into his wrist and placed it against your mouth.

You struggled against his grip. You were faking like you didn't want this but you had a plan. After he felt you had enough he removed his hand from your mouth, his blood surrounding your lips. Klaus had pleading eyes but kept his mean looks. You gave him a wink and he tilted his head questionably.

You grabbed the knife against your throat and plunged it straight into your heart. You heard Klaus yell before you felt nothing at all.


You woke up to your head throbbing. Small sounds filling your ears that made the throbbing worse. The lights were so bright. Then you noticed Klaus right by your side. You smiled at the sight of him. He gave you a sad one.

"Why did you do that love?" He asked and you could hear the pain in his voice. You shook your head and grabbed his hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"I was his only leverage. So I ruined it. I wanted this. To turn. It's okay. You are my forever, Klaus." You said and the happiness returned to his eyes once again, a smile spreading across his face. He leaned forward and connected his lips with yours.

"My head hurts and my throat burns. There are so many sounds. At least I can ease drop and I can hear you coming now so now you can't sneak up on me." You retorted. He chuckled and sped downstairs and came back with a middle aged girl. He pulled her head back slightly and pierced her neck with his fangs.

The smell instantly filled your nose. You could feel the veins under your eyes. Everything seemed to disappear and you could only focus on the girl in front of you. He pulled his head out the crook of her neck. You sped forward without thinking and sunk your teeth in.

It was weird at first but the taste was amazing. Her body became limp so you held her up. You felt the life leave her and dropped her. You weren't one to really care about the life of others so you didn't mind that you had killed her.

Klaus smirked at you and approached you, stepping over the girl's body. He wiped some blood dripping from the corner of your mouth and licked it off his finger. You leaned up and placed your lips on his and he instantly responded. You were quite eager, you began to unbutton his shirt.

"Your emotions are heightened." He said as he pulled away, a smirk present on his lips. You rolled your eyes and sped him over to the wall. You smirked but he quickly changed the position.

"Just because you're a vampire, doesn't mean you're stronger than me love." He whispered in your ear.

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