20| Damon Salvatore

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(I have been in a Damon mood. That's why I posted 5 Damon imagines.)

Lately, Elijah has been very close and kind to you lately. Damon was, well being Damon. Being extra touchy around Elijah. Elijah took notice of this but continued despite Damon's efforts for him to stop. Because of you, Klaus and everyone else has been dealing with each other. No one attempted to kill anyone. Just a few threats.

You were all currently at Klaus' place. You were sitting next to Damon. Elijah on the other side of you. Damon had a protective arm wrapped around you. Bourbon in his other hand. Damons grip on you would tighten around Elijah, who was mostly speaking to you. Damon would give him stern glares. Klaus mentioned your name and you looked at him. He stood up and walked into the kitchen so you followed him. Leaving Damon alone. You knew he was watching you walk away so you swayed your hips teasingly. Klaus walked outside so no one could hear your conversation.

"My brother seems to fancy you." He said and you nodded knowingly.

"I understand you have no interest but you would have to tell him that for him to back away." He explained.

You both headed back inside and you returned to my spot next to Damon. You snuggled into his side and you knew he was smirking. You still spoke to Elijah just less as you sat there. You soon excused yourself from the room and went out to the front porch. You heard someone approach and you turned to face them. Elijah. He greeted you with a smile that you returned. He took a seat next to you.

"I'm flattered but I'm with Damon." You said. He just gave you a smile.

"I took notice. It's funny watching him so overprotective of someone that isn't Elena." He explained and you laughed lightly.

"He's listening you know." You said and he nodded.

"I am." Damon's voice said behind you. Damon stood there with the door wide open. A glass of bourbon still in his hand.

Elijah stood up and headed back inside. Damon wouldn't let him past through at first but you glared at him and Damon stepped aside. You looked forward and Damon sat down next to you. You leaned your head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of your head and wrapped an arm around you.

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