13| Klaus Mikaelson

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Klaus had been gone with Elijah all day. He left early this morning and now it was almost 3 in the morning. You were starting to get worried but you also knew that he was okay. You heard the car pull into the driveway.

You set your book down on the table as quickly and quietly as possible. You closed your eyes and pulled open the blanket you had a little farther up to cover your shoulders. You listened closely as the door opened.

"Personally I think we should have just killed h-" Klaus began loudly but suddenly stopped and you heard shushing. You heard a light chuckle from Elijah. You tried your best not to smile.

The footsteps from one of the Mikaelson brothers faded away up the stairs, you guessed that it was Elijah. You heard footsteps approach the couch and you somehow managed to not smile.

Nothing happened for about a minute but you refused to open your eyes. You felt arms slip under you and pick you up bridal style. You laid limply as if you were actually asleep to pass the act. You felt the contact of the soft bed but didn't move to get comfortable. Klaus grabbed your ankles and lightly pulled your legs into a more comfortable position. Next, a blanket was pulled over you but you remained with no movement.

You felt the bed dip in front of you, signaling that Klaus had taken a seat on the edge of the bed. He pushed a strand of hair behind your ear and caressed your cheek lightly. Your stomach fluttered at his touch and you tried so hard to not let the smile creep onto your face.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered quietly. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks but you kept your straight face.

"You can stop faking it now, Kitten." Klaus cooed and you couldn't stop the smile that crept into your face. You slowly fluttered open your eyes to be met with a smirking Klaus. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as you looked at him.

"How'd you know?" You asked and sat up. Klaus bit his lip before responding.

"I know you, love. You're breathing is different when you're asleep. It's slower and you take deeper breaths. If you wanted me to carry you to bed, you could've just asked." He explained and you laughed.

"Lay with me." You said and grabbed his shirt and pulled him down lightly which he gladly followed. He hovered over top of you and kissed your lips once before laying next to you.

He snaked an arm around you and pulled you into him. Your head rested on his chest. He traced shapes onto your hip where the skin was exposed. He gave a small hum as he began to fall asleep.

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