14| Damon Salvatore

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"That was stupid, Damon!" You shouted and slammed the door to the Salvatore Boarding House. Damon rolled his eyes and went straight for a glass of bourbon.

"No. You are not ignoring me!" You yelled and slammed the glass that he was holding onto the floor. Bourbon spilled onto the floor and the glass shattered.

"Was that necessary?" He said blankly. You scoffed and crossed your arms in front of you.

"Was it necessary to kill my date?!" You reached out and pushed him. He only moved slightly. As you had only turned not too long ago so he was stronger than you.

"Yes. It was, Y/N!" He said angrily. You let out an amused laugh and went to punch him but he grabbed your wrist before it could come into contact with his jaw.

"Nice try." He said coldly. You ripped your hand out of his grasp and threw his whole glass of bourbon. He groaned and gave you his "are you serious look".

You were fuming. You had been asked on a date and you didn't refuse. It was nice to be able to go out and do something with someone. Everything was going really well until Damon came in and killed your date. He just broke his neck.

"I wanna know why you thought you could just kill my date! It wasn't your place to do anything. I don't car-" You were cut off by lips roughly attaching themselves to yours.

You fought for dominance against his tongue but you had lost. You were pushed against the wall. You had forgotten why you were angry. All you could focus on was Damon in front of you. Your fingers found his hair which you tugged lightly on and he let out a growl. His lips moved from your lips to your jaw and slowly down your neck.

He found your soft spot and you gave a soft moan. You felt his smirk against your skin. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours.

"Still angry?" He asked. His well-known smirk still plastered on his face. His hands were resting on your waist.

"No." You said slightly panting from the heated make out session that just happened.

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